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-Ivan's POV-

The general woke us up early by, well, ordering us. Loudly.

I told him to lower his voice. He hesitantly obeyed.

"As you know, the war is over." He stated, a little softer.

Cheers emitted by the soldiers.

"We will be sending you home now."

I will see my sunflower!

I avenged her mother, too. The soldier that shot the nurse was a secret sniper.

I killed every sniper there was.

I smiled and bounced back and forth.

"We have cars to take you to town, then cars there will pick you up and take you to the nearest airport. You have all been scheduled to leave today. If they don't let you leave today, you come back right here, understand!"

The soldiers chanted "Sir yes, sir!" and I just replied with a "da."

The cars outside honked. Why was everything so loud?

"Go, maggots!" The commander roared, then mumbled an apology that was most likely directed at me.

I slung my lead pipe over my shoulder.

"Hehe! Aren't you happy, Pipey? We get to see sunflower again!" I beamed, petting my metal friend.

I walked out into the hot sun. The cars were camo with no top. Kinda like Jeeps.

I selected a car with the shaking trio, who watched me approach. They did not look happy. Hm, I wonder why?~

"Hello, new friends!" I smiled, sitting down on the leather seat.

The driver gulped and started driving.

"Who are you heading home to?" I asked, bouncing in excitement.

"F-family." The newbie said.

"My r-r-roomate."  Soldier two said.

"Solitude." Soldier one said, wistfuly looking off into the distance. He clenched his hand and looked down. A single, lonesome tear ran down his cheek.

Pipey said something funny, so I laughed quietly.

The soldiers shivered more once they realized Pipey was in the car.

It got quiet with the six of us in there. The other soldiers didn't talk and pipey was distracted. The driver hadn't spoken a word.

I watched out the window as we drived by woods. The blurred forest speeded past us.

I couldn't fully enjoy the views.

A reminder to take things slow and smell the sunflowers, da?

The driver cleared his throat loudly once we got to town. I guess I was in a dazed state, because I didn't notice we arrived.

The town was small, and the buildings were a light brownish color. Same with the sidewalks, and the roads were dirt.

My new friends scrambled out, while I hummed and skipped to the next car.

We were now going to the airport.

The next soldiers were silent, so I decided not to say anything. Pipey kept quiet, too.

Again, we drove past. Now, buildings with wonderful architecture were speeding past us.

I didn't mind missing this bit. I was finally going to see (Y/N) again!

If she has a man I'll kill him~


I pushed away these violent and possessive thoughts as we slowed down in front of the airport.

The building was huge, with giant glass windows. Hundreds of people walked around the airport.

The driver told us to get out.

Pipey was about to hit the driver, but he stopped when I said no.

"Pipey, you have to ride in the back of the plane." I commented, getting out of the car and entering the building.

Pipey frowned.

"I know, I know." I smiled and ruffled pipey's rusty brown hair.

People gave me odd looks. Very odd looks. Very, very odd looks.

I walked through the metal detector, and Pipey went on the conveyer belt. They didn't question me at all. Odd, hmm?

We walked through the airport and boarded the plane.

I was placed next to the window.

"It looks like it's gonna rain." I said to myself, noticing the dark clouds floating around.

I hummed to myself happily. It was so exciting! Finally to see her again. I hope she's well.

I dozed off.

No dream or nightmares, which was good. I don't need to see (Y/N) die in front of me again. Or anyone else for that matter. Unless it's a male that stole my sunflower~

A flight attendant nervously approached me, breaking me out of my dazed sleeping state.

"S-sir, we are landing." She said. I could tell she was scared, but she needed to wake up the sleeping passengers.

"Da. Thank you." I smiled.

The exit was attached and we all left the plane. I looked around at the crowds of people.

Home. I was home.


Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now