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~Ivan's POV~

I woke up in a soft, warm bed and a joyful feeling. I shift onto my other side, since I still had some time to sleep.

But, instead of an empty bed, I saw (h/l) (h/c) hair, gleaming in the sunlight. It was a girl in (f/c) pajamas, but I couldn't see her face.

I immediately rubbed my eyes. She was gone. And so was that happy feeling.

I glanced around my now empty room. Sunflowers.

I couldn't go to sleep after that.

"Must've been the vodka..." I  mumbled to myself.

I got ready. Put on my jacket, fix my scarf. But I felt like I was missing something.

A gravitational pull of some sorts pulled me towards a sunflower pin on the side of my sink.

I wasn't going to wear it. It's for girl's hair. But, I felt like I needed it. So I put it in my pocket and went along my way.

As I was walking, I came apon a cute little yellow house.

A girl came out, and checked her mailbox thoroughly, although nothing was there.

She let out a wimper.
"Why, mom... why dad..." before hanging her head and stumbling inside.

What was that about? I thought. I'm kinda glad she didn't see me though. But she did remind me of-

"(Y/N)?" I gasped in realization. I found out where she lived. I'm not sure if that was entirely good though, it might be stalker-ish.

I continued to school. I wanted to speak with (Y/N).

-time skip to school, da?-

I already got my things ready for science.

She should be there.

As I walked into the room, I noticed how much calmer it was then yesterdays. Even when its not the same class, it's still pretty chaotic.

The mood in the air felt tense.

Was it a testing day? Oh god, I'm not ready for this.

"Do we have a test today?" I asked as nicely as possible, tapping a student on his shoulder.

"Hm?" He turned around so he could see me. For a second his eyes looked at me in pure terror. "Not that I know of. Its just unexplainably uncomfortable."


I slid into a seat by the window. I hadn't noticed the sleeping student in front of me.

(Y/N) sleeping.

I nudged her,
"The bell is gonna ring soon."

She clutched her fist. I guess she wasn't happy to be woken up. But then she sighed.

(Y/N) slowly picked herself up.

"A-are you okay?" I asked. She seemed really tired, even for a student.

"Hmm? Oh, Ivan, when did you g-get here?" She had a weird smile on her face. "Y-yes, just tired."

"I got something for you," I smiled.

(Y/N) looked up. "G-gift?"

I took the sunflower pin out of my pocket.

She starred at the pin in my hand.


She liked shiny things. That seems important to remember.

(Y/N) looked hesitant to grab it, so instead I cliped it onto her hair.

She mouthed the words 'Thank you'. She was smiling, but she did look a little pink.

(Y/N) had a nice smile. But it quickly went from genuine to forced. I don't think she wanted me to notice, though. So I didn't ask her. I will get answers, but maybe later.

(Y/N) seemed to enjoy science. She would spell words out of elements on the table.

Neon Neon Protactinium Protactinium

She wrote that on her paper and let out a small giggle.

This was cute. I enjoyed it.


Finally. Food.
It was just like the day before, though.

She was quietly walking behind me, as if I was the shepherd and she was the sheep.

Staring off into space, the usual. Once we arrived in lunch, we sat in a secluded area of the cafeteria.

Now. Answers.

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