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"Hey? (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) already looked nervous.

"Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"N-not at all."

"Can I get honest responses, too?"


I had to be prepared for lies.

"Why did you move here?"

"S-so I would be safe while my parents were out."

"Whenever no one looks, you look sad. Are you okay?"

"Yes." Lies.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes..." (Y/N) insured nervously.

I sighed.

"It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it."

(Y/N) put a fake smile on her face.
"Talk about what, silly?"

She doesn't wanna talk about it. It's fine, but I will always worry.

"Ah. Nothing. Nevermind." We sat silently through lunch. She kept that fake smile plastered on her face.

I hated it.

Not one word was spoken.

Time was flying by so slow, so I decided to finally say something.

Nice weather we have, da?

How's your lunch?

Whats your favorite color?

I put an amused face on. "Whydja run away when it was time to leave, sun- (Y-Y/N)?"

Sunflower? Really, Ivan? Her name is (Y/N). I mentally scolded myself.

"Ahh, hehe. I h-had to go." She replied simply. She was telling the truth, but not all of it.

"I just wanted to make sure I didn't say something wrong." I crossed my arms.

((Y/N's mind: Someone cares about me? Me and my anime loving trash? Wait, I haven't told him about the anime...))

(Y/N) looked surprised for a moment, but quickly changed her expression to happy.

"I don't get d-discouraged by words." (Y/N) smiled.


I looked up. Lunch time was over.

She glanced at her schedule. Physical Ed.
She let out a sigh.

"Alright, lets go."

I pulled (Y/N) up from her chair.

~~~~~~~ they at the gym now

We had to part our ways, because I'm not allowed in the girls changing room. I'm not Francis.

Red top. White shorts. I felt like a life guard. Then I happened to eavesdrop a conversation.


"Yo, bro, have you seen the new dudette?" a familiar, obnoxious voice whispered.

"Yes. What about her?" A British accent replied.

Alfred. Arthur.

"I think she's cute, dude. What do I do?" Alfred asked sadly.

"Ehh?! Why are you asking me?" Arthur replied.

"Because girls like fancy things are you're the definition of fancy, dude!" Alfred sounded desperate.

Arthur let out a groan. "First off, Alfred, stop assuming. She just might like the casual things," then Arthur mumbled about how that wasn't proper.

It doesn't have to be proper! Its completely fine!

I was ticked, but... I needed to hear Arthur's advice

"Find out what she likes, then get them."

"Find out what flower she likes."

"Learn about her past and personality."

Arthur was a genius. With these new tasks set in my head, I completely forgot about Alfed.

"I think she's cute."

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now