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Bad news is a snake, and you are a simple farm mouse. The snake stalks it'd pray, slithering silently. Hissing venomous words such as "death, lost, no hope, disappointment." Once it's close enough to the unknowing, carefree field mouse, it strikes. It lashes out, shooting its scaly body towards the mouse. It's sharp, white fangs sink into the small mouse's body, filling it with venom. The mouse dies, and is eaten for dinner.

Other times, you are aware of it's presence. You hear it hissing and slithering. But, what happens next is up to you.

Will you avoid the snake, or get bitten?

-(Y/N)'s POV-

The world fell beneath me. Everything went black but I was still standing. I felt empty, but sad. Like sad is the last emotion I will feel before engulfed by the voids of nothing.

Years of memories spilled down my face.

Hehe! Remember when we could go get icecream? Her favorite flavor was mint, and mine was (F/F)!

Gardening was a great way to bond! I remember planting the tomatoes and the pea pods! Yum!

Remember when we all went hiking and we could see the sunset? The colors were so beautiful!

Sliding down the hill in a sled was so fun! Even if it flips over and you need a bandaid later...

Remember when you were at the beach, and you kept fleeing from the ocean? The salty wind stung my eyes some, hehe!

Crabs still scare me...

Remember the time we went camping, and a bear stole our food? We had to fish for food!

I stood there. Defeated. My emotions lost in the void.

Why. Why? WHY?!

"Your... mother is... dead."

Although I couldn't see or hear, I knew the lady was calling someone on the intercom.



"Ivan Braginsky, uhh... please come to the office." The voice had a certain stress and urgent tone. It gave me a sinking feeling, to say the least.

I took off out of the class room, and speed walked down the halls because... 'no running allowed'.

Once I reached the office, I opened the door.

"Da?" I questioned, walking in, only to be greeted by a eerie silence.

I didn't mind the silence, but something wasn't right.

Once I could process what was showed to me, it clicked. I realized my sinking feeling was correct.

A silent, twitching (Y/N).

A sad receptionist.


I looked at the receptionist with a pleading look.

She nodded.

Mrs. (L/N) died.

I tightly hugged (Y/N) from behind. I don't think she noticed. She stayed unmoving and silent.

"Take her home. You both are free."

I nodded at the receptionist.

"Come on (Y/N). We gotta go." I tugged gently at her arms. No movement. So, I picked her up bridal style again.

This time, not smiling.

I decided that if I brought Muffin along, she would help.

(Y/N) fell asleep. I dropped her off at her house, but Mr. (L/N) wasn't there. There was a note on the fridge though.

The hand writing was dirty and shakey, and the paper was wet and smudged.

Hey, (Y/N)!

I'm at the bar. Call me if you need me.

Love (D/N)

I had already tucked (Y/N) in, so I head back to my house.

This time, I needed a car. So I asked my neighbor for help, and he accepted immidietly.

"That poor girl. I think this'll cheer her up some." He said, loading the cat tower in the back.

I nodded, while putting the food and litterbox in the car.

Muffin was either super obedient or super lazy, because she would never try to escape while being held.


Mr. Travis (THAT'LL BE THE NEIGHBOR'S NAME) drove as quickly as the speed limit would let him. I would direct him while petting the unfazed Muffin.

Once we arrived, I decided that this stuff will go in   (Y/N)'s room.

We quietly got the cat tower, and placed it right next to the window. The litter box will go in the closet, food next to the bedside stand, and toys scattered about here and there. I also pulled in a chair to sit in to watch

No. It's not creepy.

I thanked Mr. Travis.

"You're a good friend, my boy." He said, placing a hand on my right shoulder.


"I thought you didn't have any friends." He smiled jokingly.

"I do now." I replied.

He took his leave. Which left me alone with (Y/N).

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I could never feel what she felt. I never met my parents, my sister raised me for as long as I could remember.

I soon fell asleep. But this time it was no dream. It was a nightmare.


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