Wars and Dreams

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Her parents were at war.

And they haven't sent any postcards recently.

I put two and two together.


(Y/N) is... alone.

Not alone in a literal sense. She has her boss. And I'm sure some realitives, like uncles and aunts.

But, for right now, she's alone. In her mind.

I glanced around her room. In the corner laid a lonley computer. The walls bare white and sad, with nothing to cover them with. There was a standing mirror next to closet. The lone window was across from the door.

I looked over to (Y/N) in her (F/C) bed. Her (H/C) hair tangled from the tossing and turning. Her (S/C) skin glowing in the dim light provided from the window.

She's cute while she's sleeping.

W-why did I think that?!

I, uncontrollably, kissed her forehead.

W-why did I do that?

I buried my probably now red face into my scarf, and rushed, quickly but quietly, out of the room. It was boiling in there. I guess (Y/N) likes warm temperatures.

I stopped at the closet, since I was staying the night I needed a blanket.

I took a blue, silky cloth from the small closet. Then, after making the couch into a somewhat comfy bed, I took out my phone.


'(War place here)'

(WPH) is a war raging on, even today.It is between (Your Home Country) against (Another Country). Many lives were, and still are, being lost. Families who lose an immediate member will be given money, to pay for the loved ones services.


Stealing families, breaking them apart.

It kills many innocent people. Why? Over silly reasons? Silly reasons that could be talked over. Well, I guess not all could be talked over, but some could be.

Counting soldiers as numbers.

"We lost 100 today sir!"

They aren't numbers. They aren't statistics. They are people. With families to go back to, and friends to reunite with. With children to raise, with wives and husbands to celebrate.

And, it hurts (Y/N).

I cursed out loud. I had angered myself.

Enough deep talk.

After I sulked for a while I tucked away my phone ans gazed at the sunset through the sorry excuse for a window.

The purple and orange clouds laced the sky. The colors mashing together, making breathtaking colors. Even through this window, the sunset was beautiful. It put me at ease, like I could forgot all the troubles of yesterday and today, and prepare myself for the troubles of tomarrow.

Tomarrow I can beat up Alfred. I thought.

I grinned at this devious thought as I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my lavender eyes to reveal myself lying down on the soft, warm dirt. The sunflowers that surrounded me swaying with the breeze. Fluffy, white clouds dotted the sky.

The suns warmth shined down on me, while the wind rustled the flowers.

Colorful birds flew overhead, chirping a marvelous, but familiar tune.
((A/N: any song u want >:3))

I slowly lifted myself up, admiring the surprisingly nice canopy these tall sunflowers  made. I popped my head up over the lovely sunflowers, only to reveal a sea of yellow, brown, and green. A field of waving sunflowers.

Little fat bumble bees hovered from flower to flower, collecting pollen on their fluffy, buzzing bodies. Various colorful butterflies fluttered around me before disappearing out of sight.

I admired each flower and petted them tenderly, before spotting something off in the distance.

My gaze landed on something green in the background. I focused my eyes on that location. There was a grassy green hill, with a singular tree on top.

The tree was big, with twisted branches and bright green leaves. Along with the leaves, there were bunches of little white flowers.

Whilst observing the tree, I realized it was getting bigger.

No, I was getting closer.

I arrived at the hill, not tired from that run. I placed my hand on the tree's bark.

Bradford Pear. A pretty tree, that both birds and bees love alike.

I complemented myself on my plant knowledge.

I peeked out from the side of the aged tree.

What I saw, and it wasn't surprising, was a familiar silky blue blanket spread out across the lively grass.

And atop that blanket was an angel.

She had (H/L) (H/C) hair that shined magnificently in this spring sunlight. Atop her head, she wore a shiny sunflower pin for  her (h/c) hair, as well.

The (brunette, blonde, ect)'s melodious laugh chimed through the sweet air.

She was wearing a purple, frilly sundress, with little sunflowers dotting the bottem.

There was one thing missing about this angel, though.

She had no wings.

She doesn't need wings to be an angel.

I couldn't contain a laugh. (Y/N) wouldn't wear a dress.

My laugh alerted this flightless angel. She twisted her body around, and gasped.

Then, she 'ran' into the sunflower fields. I only could be amused.

This 'running' was her tripping, because she stumbled over her own feet. (Y/N) rolled down the grassy hill, laughing. She stopped rolling at the edge of the sunflowers, and just stared up into the sky. (Y/N) giggled and smiled, gazing into the sunflowers. Her dress, now wrinkled and covered in grass stains. (Y/N) stretched her body, before bursting out laughing once more.

I wished this dream would last forever.





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