Hospital Visit

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(Y/N) was sad happy whenever I saw her.

She would mope from time to time, but be really happy others.

One day, we decided to check on her mother.

We walked into the hospital and she slowly made her way up to the front desk.

"Wh-where is (M/N) (L/N)?" (Y/N) asked shyly.

"Room 235, sweetie." The reception said nicely.

We walked down the white hallways. Passing nurses and tool trays as we go along.

We run up some stairs, and the room is right in front of us.

Mrs. (L/N) was in the corner of the room, with open curtains. She was sleeping, but sometimes twitched.

(Y/N) ran up to (M/N) and weakly smiled, before hugging her gently.

She was mostly covered in bandages. Her hair in a cap to keep it out of the way.

We were there for a while. So long, infact (Y/N) fell asleep.

I looked out the window. We lived in a big town. Once again, a memorizing sunset was shown to me. The clouds floated nicely, changing into oranges, reds, and purples.

"Alright, it's time to go." I said, poking at her.

She made a hissing noise and refused to move.

I sighed and shook my head while smiling.

I picked (Y/N) up bridal style.

She was surprisingly light.


I got some odd looks here and there, but I ignored them.

Haven't they ever seen a Russian carrying a girl bridal style through the hospital?

Well, actually... probably not.

I got out of the hospital and walked down the empty streets, still looking at the setting sun.

No one was walking around.

Once we finally reached (Y/N)'s house, I knock on the door.

The door is opened by a familiar dad, making a familiar smirk.

I rolled my purple eyes and laughed a little nervously.

"H-Here you go." I tried to hand him his daughter back.

"I think you should tuck her in." Mr. (L/N) said, trying to keep in his giggle but was failing anyways. He nudged me with his elbow

"A-all right..." I stuttered.

I quickly walked to her room to avoid his eyes.

What's with this dad?

I placed (Y/N) on her soft, (F/C) bed. Then tucked her in with a blue, silky blanket.

Then I rushed out of the room and out of the house before Mr. (L/N) could crack a single joke

I must have looked like one of Antonio's tomatoes.


Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now