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It's been 5 months. (Y/N) hasn't gotten better. I try everything I can, but nothing. No progress. If anything, it's worse. She cries more often. I can stop this... I will stop this with what feels right.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

I sat in solitude in my room. Ivan said he would be right back. He left the room and closed the door

After sitting in silence for a while, I heard familiar voices coming from the room next to mine.

I sigh, stand up and press my head against the cold bare wall.

"You can't go." A depressed voice grumbled. I recognised that voice as my father. I... felt bad for him. He saw mom get shot, right in front of him.

"I must. It's for (Y/N)." I heard a Russian accent speak out.

Wh-what? Me...? Ivan...?

"(mumble) is cruel.. you can't (mumble mumble)"

"You can't convince me otherwise."

The depressed voice sighed. What was.... happening....?

"You... know what you're doing..."

"Da. I do."

Then a door opened.

I dived back onto the bed. I wasn't going to be caught eavesdropping.

Ivan walked back in my room with his usual childish smile. Him being here took away a little pain, and I was grateful.

"Sunflower, let's watch the sunset." He held out his hand. Something was off. I could feel it.

"O-okay..." I softly replied, taking it.

He dragged me through the house, and out onto the porch. We took a seat on the steps.

I nearly forgot how beautiful sunsets were. The clouds lined the sky, mixed with purples and yellows. It brought me at ease.

The soft wind blew around my hair. I wore a faint smile.

My (E/C) eyes sparkled.

We sat in silence for a while, soaking the dying sun's rays.

For a while, I forgot the pain I had experienced. Or that I was even a person. I floated freely. I wanted to thank Ivan for doing this. I snapped out of my fantasies.

I opened my mouth to speak but,

"S-sunflower?" He cut me off. Ivan looked at me with an unreadable expression. I couldn't tell what was happening. Where was this conversation going?

"Y-yeah?" I softly replied. Nervousness tore at my insides.

He stood up.

The weight of the world was pressing against me. All I could do was look and listen. Ivan stood in silence, glancing between me and the road. My thoughts clouded, all I could see was him standing in front of me.

Ivan closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm going to avenge your mother."

My vision went black for a moment, but returned shortly. Numbness hit me.


I stared in disbelief. An aching feeling rose in my chest.

"Pl-please... you're joking... right?"

He shook his head.

What was I supposed to do...?

"N-no... you can't..." I tried to talk him out of it. My weak reasonings, my pleads did not affect him.

"I will avenge your mother, my sunflower." Ivan spoke softly, a small smile on his face. This smile was not like his childish smile, it felt different. A sincere different.

I felt something. A mix of everything. I couldn't see straight.

"S-STOP! THIS ISN'T WHAT I WANT!" I screamed, the tears rolled down my face.

"I want you to smile." He stated slowly.

"I-Ivan... p-please..."

He leaned in and kissed me. I would've been so happy if it weren't for everything else happening. I couldn't describe it. I couldn't describe anything. It became one giant blur, and nothing mattered anymore.

"I love you, my sunflower." He whispered. Ivan was nearly breaking down himself. His purple eyes teared up. He inched towards the road, then made a full sprint off.


He continued running. Didn't even look back.

"I... love you too..." my voice cracked. I placed my head in my hands.

Why. Why why why WHY?!

I became a sobbing mess.

"I'll... I'll wait for you.." I managed to say before the onslaught of unstoppable tears caught up to me. The sunset died out, darkness enveloped me.

For me, the stars weren't shining and there is no tommarow.

Broken Sunflower ~ Russia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now