His Smile

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After school you started walking to the front and looked around for Yuta. Where is this little shit. Your phone began to vibrate and you picked it up after seeing the caller ID, Yuta.

"Where are you?!?" you asked him already getting impatient.

"Turn around," he replies and you do and he's not there.

You begin as you turn back around "Stop playing with me a-" you faced the front there he was, his face inches from yours.

"Hey," he says into the phone and the frozen you just stares at him. He grabs your wrist and pulls you.

"Stop gazing at me and lets get this project done I don't want to see you as much as you don't want to see me," Yuta says hiding a smile that says otherwise.

"I wasn't gazing! Just shocked! Don't you know what a personal bubble is?"

"Do you want to find out?" Yuta asks as he stops walking. You ripped your hand away from his.

"No thanks!" you say looking away from him.

"Then stop complaining and follow me," he says and starts walking again. After a couple of minutes of silent walking you begin "Where are we going?" you ask and then Yuta turns into a house's from yard.

"My place," he says and you freeze. Wait, his house?! You've never been in a guys house... well with the exception of one guy.

"Hurry up," Yuta says opening the door. You speed walk to the door and walk in behind him.

"Mom I'm home and I brought a friend," he shouts and walks upstairs. You follow him suddenly shy.

"Shouldn't we do this work in the living room?" You ask tugging on his shirt. Yuta turns to notice you seemed a bit uneasy. Why did your expression look cute to him though?

"Sure I'll just grab my stuff," he says and your heart eased up a bit. You followed him upstairs and waited for him outside his room. From the door frame you can see his neat room, unexpected. He grabbed his laptop and notebook and walked out. He shoved the materials in your hands.

"We're ready!" he says smiling as he begins to walk down the stairs. You follow behind him to the living room and begin to set things up on the coffee table as he lays back on the sofa on his phone. This is what you feared, he has zero interest in this project, am I going to have to do this project by myself again??

"Okay lets set some rules-"

"I found this website where we can find ideas on the project," he says turning the phone screen to you. You shut your mouth immediately and took the phone. Yuta smirked as you scrolled through the web page embarrassed. 

You then actually became focused on what you were looking at and Yuta sat back and watched you intensely. He focused on the way your hair looked with the sun hitting it, then the shape of your eyes, nose, and lips. Taking in every detail that he couldn't in class. You turned to look at him once you found an idea and stopped when you saw his expression. It seemed a lot calmer, he looked different from his usual self.

"Don't you have something to say?" he asks and you almost choke when you notice you had been staring at him. You then hand him his phone.

"We can do this idea, seems like the least complicated one out of all of these," you inquire and he nods looking at the screen.

"Alright, go do it," he says stretching out his legs and placing them onto the coffee table. I knew it.

"Oh no no no, we have to do this together, even thought this is the simplest the amount of work we have to do is insane and-"

"Look the teacher forced us to be partners I wasn't planning on doing any project," Yuta says, you sigh and completely turn your body towards him.

"What can I do to change your mind?" you ask, giving in. Yuta looks at you surprised to see you give in like this.

"Let me sit next to you in class." he says plainly. Why would he want to- ahhh to cheat off my work.

"Deal, all you have to do it put effort into this project please?"

"Deal." Yuta hid his excitement. He swung the laptop open.

"Okay lets figure out how we're going to do this."


After an hour or two of figuring out and going to multiple sources you yawned and stood up.

"I gotta go," you tell him and begin to pick up your notebook and pen. He holds onto your wrist.

"This early?"

"It isn't early it's almost 7pm Yuta."

"Stay for dinner." Oooo dinner, sounds tempting.

"Should I?" You then stop yourself, don't get so comfortable with him what are you doing?

"Actually no I have to get home my mom (or dad) told me she/he needs me for something," you say and throw your book bag over your shoulder.

"Lets have dinner some other time, kay?" you say as you walk to the door.

"When will that other day be?" he asks and you think for a second.

"Is saturday okay with you? We can keep working on the project then," he smiles and nods opening the front door for you.

"I'll take you home-"

"No! I live pretty far from here don't worry about me," you say and begin to walk away.

Far away? That's not what she told me that one time...


Please tell me what you think I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and vote if you enjoy this story. 

Everyone's going to be confused with what he meant by "that one time" but don't worry I'll reveal that later on.

Thanks for reading!

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