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Tears threatened to leave your eyes as you stuff your face into his chest.

"You're embarrassing me!" he says as he pulls you away and lowers himself to your eye level.

"Why did you surprise me!" you yell and hit his chest. He laughs and rubs the area you hit.

"Because I just wanted to." He says and you were too pumped and excited to notice that Yuta was standing right behind you. Yuta right now was feeling this terrible bubbling sensation at the pit of his stomach and he wanted to know who this dude was.

"Oh! Yuta this is my friend Doyoung," you tell him. Doyoung smiles at Yuta but then looks at you with a weird face.

"Boyfriend?" Doyoung asks and you shake your head immediately.

"NO!" you yell. Yuta felt a bit offended by the way you answered. "Just friends."

"Yeah just friends." Yuta says rolling his eyes as he walks to his seat.

"The bell's about to ring, go to class!" you exclaim to Doyoung and he nods walking away giving you another wave at the door with a bright smile. You, not being able to control you smile, walk back to your seat next to Yuta. Yuta sat there bitterly looking at you while you weren't even focused on your surroundings you just sat down with a wide smile.

"What was that?" Yuta grumbles, "Your boyfriend or something?"

"Ex boyfriend." Yuta turns towards you quickly eyes wide.

"That's your ex?" he asks and the teacher walks in. You turned away from Yuta and took out your books. Yuta looks at you with a frustrated expression. He sat back in his seat and sighed. What's this now?!


Class ended and as you gathered your belongings Yuta moved towards you.

"So is he like your first boyfriend or something?" he asks and you look up at him. He is looking away from you not meeting your eyes.

"Yeah," you respond not meeting his eyes but continue putting your stuff away.

"Do you still like him?" Yuta asks this time looking at you. You meet his eyes, and he was dead serious, you could tell. Why is he stressing Doyoung? As you opened your mouth to respond you can see Doyoung waiting by the door waving at you. Your mouth forms a smile and you look at Yuta.

"I'll talk to you later!" you respond and jog to the door locking arms with Doyoung.

I'm in trouble.


New addition to our little story here! First boyfriend has come back, will your feelings waver?

All I ask for is a comment and 8 votes for the next chapter! 

From now on things are going to get... interesting.

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