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"Yuta... what are you talking about?"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen." Yuta says attempting to hold back tears.

"Japan isn't around the corner Yuta."

"I KNOW THIS!" he snaps lifting his head. His eyes red and it downs on you. This isn't one of his jokes. He's actually leaving.

"My mom decided this all on her own, she didn't ask me or nothing."

"Stay Yuta, don't go."

"I can't leave her alone..." Yuta says wrapping his fingers around yours. You jump on him and hug him tightly. Yuta sobs softly onto your shoulder. Your hot tears begin to fall from your eyes softly. You pull away and wipe his tears away.

"Stop crying so much everything is going to be oka-"

"But what if one day everything isn't alright and I'm not here to comfort you. What if something happens to you-"

"Yuta I'll be fine, stop worrying about me so much, trust me," you tell him holding his hands. He stays still, just staring into your eyes.

Leaning in you press your lips against his. He immediately responds and holds you tightly to him. He slowly laid you onto the bed. Both of you just stare at each other making that mutual agreement and that night spent it as if there was no tomorrow.

I won't be seeing Yuta for a while but it'll be fine, he'll text me and we'll facetime, it'll be like he never left, right?

A month passed... both of you were constantly texting, skype calls almost every night, it wasn't the same but it was at least something.

A year later... some texts, some skype calls.

Three years later... no texts, no skype calls.



I know im dramatic just shshhhh

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