Or else...

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They tied you up to one of your chairs as they hovered over you.

"Where the FUCK IS YUTA?" they yell onto your face.

"I DON'T KNOW! I HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO HIM IN MONTHS!" You yelled and their faces became dark. You regretted yelling the moment they pulled out the knife again.

"Tell us where he is now, or else." 

-Yuta's pov-

She's dead... I really thought she was getting better...

I sit in the hospital lobby completely shocked by the news. My eyes are red from all the crying I've been doing these past hours. I know I'm going to get in trouble for skipping out on today's assignment but the moment I got the call from the hospital I rushed over. I don't want to do this anymore, now nothing makes me want to finish paying off my debt. I have nothing left. y/n... But even she's found someone new, someone better. My mother was the only thing keeping me here. I don't even want that now, I'm going to disappear but before I go I want to see y/n one last time.

I make my way to her apartment and hide behind a wall the moment I see her standing outside with that "friend" of hers. They say their goodbyes but then he goes to kiss her cheek. That made my insides burn, but she deserves to be happy, she deserves the world. After seeing her I made my way back to my house to pick up some things.I made sure the coast was clear and it was. I'm surprised they haven't broken into my house yet- You spoke too soon. Things were knocked to the ground and out of place. I better hurry up before they come back, it's been two days now since they've last heard of me. As I put away my clothesI freeze when I see what's on the ground. The picture of y/n and I was there along with... her address. No... I quickly ran out of the house and went straight to her apartment. My heartbeat was uncontrollably fast. No y/n, please be okay.


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Tell me what you think of this sudden dramatic turn into the story ik it's really sudden and maybeee doesn't fit with the whole vibe of the first part of the story butttt I really thought this story should go out with a BANG. I hope everyone enjoys!

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