Acting Like Kids

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As you work and drink your coffee Yuta just watches you with the straw in his mouth. You looked over at him and he just kept they eye contact.

"Aren't you going to work?" He stood and slid to your side of the booth.

"Lets do it together," he says smiling at you.

"Keep your distance!" you say and slide to the end of the booth.

"Why should I?" he says sliding towards you. I'm trapped. You sunk into your seat as he got closer, his face nearing yours and his fingers caressing yours.

"I'm kidding," he then whispers against your skin, goosebumps begin to form from the contact. He moves away and picks up a pen. Your heart rate slows down and you take a deep breath.

"Okay, focus."

As the both of you ACTUALLY worked on the project for once it began to get late and you hadn't noticed because of how focused you were.

"Write the formula for-"

"No! I don't want to anymore!" Yuta interrupted, "It's late and I'm tired, we've been working for 5 hours y/n." You looked at your computer's clock, he was right.

"Whoops didn't notice lets go home," he looked at you confused.

"Home? I got other ideas," He quickly put away your stuff and grabbed your hand.

"Where are we going?" You ask as he drags you out of the coffee shop.


After driving for some bit you pull up to an arcade.

"I thought you couldn't get any more childish."

"Childish?! It's fun!" You give him a look and he just flashes you a smile.

"C'moonnnnn." He whines and you groan giving in and opening the car door. Yuta hops out of the car and practically runs to the door. You go in after him and flashes of lights blinded you. The place was basically empty.

"Wait here." Yuta says and runs off to get the coins. You thought of your childhood when you went to places like this. Now all you ever do is school work.

"Okay lets go," Yuta says holding up a bag of coins. He holds your hand and takes you to a game. This game involved guns and zombies.

"Okay now all you have to do is aim and shoot."

"I call red gun," you burst out, Yuta freezes and smiles. You clear your throat embarrassed by your sudden outburst and grabbed the gun.

"Start!" You started getting serious and shooting at all directions. Getting an all kill in every level and once it was over the screen announced that you won and you began to jump up.

"Yeah I won!" you yelled and stuck your tongue out at him. Yuta just stood back astonished you had this side to you. And she called me childish.

"Next game, next game!" you said holding onto his shoulder and bouncing up and down.

"Alright, alright," Yuta says laughing and walking towards another machine. After a few more competitive games and Yuta letting you win all of them both of you got into a 'star wars' sort of spaceship. Yuta is driving and you're passenger.

"What? I can't beat you in this game??" You exclaim with a pout. Yuta pretends to look annoyed at you but in actuality is crying because of how cute you looked pouting like that. The game started and you had to shoot down spaceships and avoid getting shot at but Yuta KEPT GETTING SHOT AT. Frustrated you got up and sat on Yuta's lap too focused on the game to realize that you're SITTING ON YUTA and took control of the game. Yuta held your hips to prevent you from falling off. Yuta's heart was about to fly out of his chest.

"And that's how you play the game!" You yell once the game was over. You turn to look at Yuta and then notice he wasn't in the seat next to you but was under you. You now were aware of his hands on your hips.

"IM SORRY." You yell as you climb out of the spaceship.

"No it's fine, I suck at these games I guess," Yuta says scratching the back of his head frustrated. He really wanted to hold you right now, He wanted to be able to kiss you but he knew he couldn't.

"Oh look lazer tag! Lets go play!" You exclaim but Yuta grabs you by your wrist.

"Okay but the winner gets a favor from the other." Yuta says with a smirk on his face. You, knowing you've been winning every game, agreed immediately. I'm going to have him give me more personal space. You grabbed the lazer gun and put on the vest.

"Watch your back y/n."

"I could say the same to you."

In the dark room lit dimly with neon lights you begin to hide behind walls acting like you were in mission impossible or something. You heard a sound and began shooting in that direction. There was no sound that he was dead so you started moving towards the back and then suddenly you felt someone from behind. Turning around to attack they shoot you. Then after a few seconds you can feel that person getting closer and closer. The lights turn on and you are face to face with Yuta. His breath making your knees weak, his lips so close if you move an inch they would touch.



Vote if you enjoyed and pls lmk what you think of my story so far! Thanks for reading!

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