Who Is She and Why Do I Care?

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On the way to the field trip Yuta was nowhere to be seen. You caught yourself looking around and snapped yourself out of it. I should be happy! Doyoung sat next to you, smiling and making jokes. Yes this is the person I should look at.

Getting off the bus you notice Yuta getting off the bus from across talking to some other girl. You felt something heat up in your chest. Who is she?? Why is he hanging out with her?? All these questions appeared in your mind all at once. Then Yuta spotted you and then he glanced behind you and his face dropped. You turned around to see Doyoung.

"Lets go!" he says and grabs you hand dragging you away.


After having a day of fun activities with Doyoung it became bon fire time. You hadn't seen Yuta all day and honestly began to worry. Why should I be worried about him?? Annoyed you walked away into the woods looking for the "bathroom". You were looking for Yuta. You heard some sounds coming from your right and slowly walked towards the sound. Standing before you was Yuta and that girl from earlier... KISSING?! You stepped on a stick and it snapped. Both of them looked at you and you froze.



IM SO SORRY GUYS TT, IT HAS BEEN A WHILE. Senior year of high school is hard! It's Winter Break so I'm trying to get as much done as I can!

What made me really want to continue this story are your comments!! I laughed so much when reading them you guys are the BEST <3

I know this is short but I'm currently writing more so don't worry I'll post again today

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