Moving On

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Months have passed, the fall semester was almost over. You were still trying to get used to Japan thankfully you made a friend who can help you with that. His name is Jaehyun, he's top of the class and super sweet, he was also a international student. For being his friend you were targeted by some of his "fans" as we jokingly call them. Overall school life was fun.

As you promised last time, you didn't go see Yuta after that summer night. You visited his mother every now and then to check up on her. She wasn't doing too well and neither was Yuta. She would tell you of how Yuta cried to her about me. It broke your heart, but you had to think of yourself and it wasn't healthy for you to see him in that state that he is in. You knew that Yuta would check up on you every now and then, you saw him. As you drank coffee in the mornings you would sometimes see him. You would feel a sense of guilt, you wanted the person in front of you to be him instead of Jaehyun. No no NO, get over him y/n.

Classes have ended and you walked out of class only to see Jaehyun waiting for you with a smile on his face. He engulfed you with a hug.

"FINALLY ITS OVER!" He shouts making you laugh.

"As if you even struggle with any of your classes you're a genius!"

He gives his hair a cocky flip and smirks, "Why thanks for boosting my ego as if I needed most boosting." You shove him playfully and walk with him towards the coffee shop you always hang at. Both of you spoke about the classes you would be taking the next semester, ya know college shit.

As the sun began to set Jaehyun walked you to your place that wasn't too far from the coffee shop.

"Well I'll see you this weekend then?? We're going to turn up at a club right?" he asked and you groaned.

"Okay, I give up Jae!" you exclaim and he smiles widely.

"Yess! Okay see you then I'll text you." he says while walking away and you turn to walk away when Jaehyun suddenly turned around and quickly gave you a peck on the cheek.

"Bye!" he says quickly and runs away. You froze for a second. You hadn't been kissed by a boy other than Yuta in FOREVER. Maybe this was a good thing, maybe it's time to move on.

Entering your apartment you throw your bag onto the couch and make your way towards the kitchen. Before even taking a step into the kitchen a hand covered your mouth and a knife at your throat.

"Where's Yuta?"

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