The School Couple

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At school the next day you zombie walked yourself into class. I have a feeling I forgot something... The moment you stepped into the classroom you froze and searched your bag. I FORGOT MY TEXTBOOK. You walked towards Yuta, not forgetting the deal you guys made, and plopped down onto your seat waiting for the teacher to scold you.

"You look terrible," Yuta says and you smile bitterly at him.

"Why gee thanks." The teacher walks in and your heart drops. What am I going to do? I can't get detention I have never gotten detention- then out of nowhere a textbook is placed on your desk. You look over at Yuta questioningly then remember, oh right, he never does work. You mouth "thank you" to him but then question, why is he being nice?

"Yuta I know you don't work but can you AT LEAST pretend?" the teacher scolds.

"I gave y/n my textbook because she left hers at home," Yuta says and you freeze with fear. Did he just call you out? And here you thought he was being nice.

"Y/n, having a bad morning are we?" your teacher asks you and as you were about to respond. Yuta picks up his desk and places it right next to yours.

"Just for today? Please?" Yuta asks confident in himself. You at this point are confused wether you talk or just stay mute.

"Just for today since I know y/n actually does her work, let this be the last time," you teacher announces allowing air back into your lungs. You look at Yuta and he just winks while flashing a smile. I want to hit him suddenly.

As the teacher lectured and you jotted down notes you couldn't help but notice the lack of space between your face and Yuta's. Should I ask him to move? You side eyed him only to notice you were INCHES away from each other. Your heart skipped a beat. Why is he doing this? It's his hobby to annoy you isn't it.

As you reached for the edge of the page to flip it, your hands ran into his warm ones. He turned to look at you, you can feel his hot breath against your skin, his lips were perfect aligned with yours. Panicked you looked back down onto the page and pretended to focus while Yuta just looked at you smiling.

His lips were so close, I almost kissed him! No he almost kissed ME. Why do I feel disappointed that our lips didn't touch?


Removing those hideous thoughts from your mind you convince yourself it was just hormones. Yeah, I haven't been this close to a guy sinc-

"Hello Mrs. Nakamoto," Myra says snapping you back intro reality.


"WE ARE BEST FRIENDS WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE DATING YUTA??" She shouts. You look around the cafeteria and notice some kids listening in. Actually now that you notice students have been looking at you more than often today.

"What are you talking about? Why would I date him out of all people?"

"Really? But everyone at school says you guys are dating." Your eyes widen.

"You're kidding." She looks at you confused.

"Nope, ever since our teacher called you out for flirting with Yuta it has spread, also some people say you guys got really close today?" What?! Everyone thinks I'm dating Yuta??


"So I heard..." Taeyong starts as he takes a puff of his cigaret.

"Heard what?" Yuta asks.

"Don't act dumb," Johnny says not looking up from his phone.

"Okay if you guys aren't going to tell me I'm walking aw-" as Yuta beings to walk away Taeyong stops him.

"We heard you got a girl friend!" A girlfriend?

"Who the heck is this girl, she must be special for you to actually fall for her," Johnny states finally looking up from his phone.

"To me she is," Yuta says with a large grin.

"Did Yuta just smile?" Taeyong asks grabbing Yuta by the shoulders.

"He's whipped," Johnny looks back down at his phone shaking his head in disappointment.

"When am I going to find a girl to whip me?" Taeyong says with a dramatic sigh.

"Kinky..." Johnny mumbles.

"Well maybe if you stopped smoking, girls will actually want to be around you, it reeks!" Yuta exclaims.

"I do what I want." Taeyong blows smoke at Yuta's face and Yuta shoves him away coughing violently.

"Do I know this girl? One of my sides?" Johnny asks with a smirk.

"I wouldn't date someone who dated the likes of you."

"Can I meet her?" Taeyong asks with a suspicious smile on his face.

"NO." Yuta almost yells causing Johnny and Taeyong to go silent. They exchanged a look then looked back at Yuta.

"You're already protective of her..."

"He's fallen for her."


Don't smoke kids it's bad for you.

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