"Hey Girlfriend"

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Walking into your next class people stop what they're doing and watch your every move. You notice Yuta just smiling and waving at you. WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE NOTHING IS HAPPENING?

"Hey girlfriend," he says and you freeze putting your hand over his mouth.

"What are you saying!" you whisper and move your hand from his mouth.

"I'm just saying, if everyone thinks we're a couple why not act like one?" He suggest and you sit in your seat and flash a disgusted look his way.

"No thanks!"

Your teacher then begins to lecture and not 10 minutes into the lecture, Yuta begins to bother you.

"Why not? It could be fun!" he whispers to you, you ignore his pestering and continue to write notes. "I could be a good first boyfriend," he continues.

"What makes you think I've never had a boyfriend?" you whisper back not taking your eyes off the board.

"Wait, you've dated?!"

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"No it's not that you're not capable of having one its just-"

"Yuta Nakamoto," the teacher calls out and his focus goes to the teacher. You smile slightly.

"Can you tell me the answer to this question?" she asks and Yuta glances at the board with a uninterested expression and back at the teacher.

"x equals five."

"Wrong it equals five..." she stopped and looks at the board and back to Yuta stunned. You look at Yuta confused on how he got the answer at that speed. He smiles at you and winks.

"Next time you better pay attention rather than flirting!" the teacher exclaims. Flirting?!

Students begin to giggle and look at the both of you. You let out a whine and put your head down onto your notebook.


As you pack up for the end of class Yuta puts his hand on your notebook.

"Don't forget about our little date tomorrow," a smirk forming on his face. You sigh and stand up looking at him hard.

"Why are you out to get me?! If you don't like me just leave me alone!" you yell. The class is empty it's just you and him. He hesitates and just looks at both of your eyes with a calm expression.

"And what if I did like you? What then?"

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