Lets try again

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"What the hell do you mean you're living with me??" Yuta asks and you cough nervously.

"I kinda sold my house to those assholes to get them off your back, so I'll be living with you for now!" You say with a smile on your face but it wasn't convincing him.

"I'm going to rip up whatever kind of contract they have with you." He says as he starts to walk away. You chase after him and grab his wrist trying to keep him in place but instead he drags you.

"No Yuta wait! I made my decision already!!" you told him and he forcefully moved his arm away causing you to fall onto your butt.

"AND WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR ME?!" He yells, fuming with anger.

"BECAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU YUTA WHY ELSE?!" You yell back at the top of your lungs completely frustrated with this situation.

"I don't regret what I did, I still have a house over my head and I can always continue to apply for more grants and scholarships." You say standing up.

"Yuta, please, just understand why I did what I did," you say now hugging his arm hiding your face . He takes a deep breath.

"Y/n... my mom died." he says and you lift your head.

"What?" You ask and he looks away from you trying not to cry. You stand in front of him and wrap your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry..."

5 hours later

You're settled into his house, both of you sit in the living room.

"Okay sooo you need a proper job now," he nods as he dries his hair with a towel. It went quiet, he seems to be thinking of a lot right now.

"Y/n, I know I didn't say it and I know it didn't seem like I was but I'm really grateful for what you did..."

"It's okay Yuta, lets just try to make things better okay?" You ask him and he nods.

"Also you're frustrating me, I guess you don't know how to dry your damn hair," you tell him as you take the towel away from him and tilt his head forward onto your stomach as you begin to dry his hair. You hear him laugh which makes you smile. 

"Wait." Yuta starts and grabs your wrist.

"Aren't you currently dating someone??" he asks you and you sit down looking at him with a confused expression.

"No I'm not," and he scoffs, crossing his arms and turning away from you.

"Then who's the guy that kissed your cheek today?!" he asks and you blush immediately.

"H-he's just a friend Yuta!" you exclaim and he scoffs again not moving from his place. You wrap your arms and legs around his stomach giving him a full back hug.

"Get off you cheater!" he yells and you hold on tighter.

"Yuta WE HAVEN'T BEEN DATING FOR A WHILE NOW," you yell into his ear, then you remove yourself from him and turn around crossing your arms as he did. He then gives you a backhug like you did and just lays his head onto your shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For putting you in that situation."

"Yuta stop that wasn't your fault." He just laid onto your shoulder and eventually he fell asleep.

"Psst Yuta wake up," you whisper and he groans opening his eyes.

"Just a little bit more~" he whines cutely.

"Lets go." You stand up and he throws his head back laying onto the couch.

"Fine I guess I'm sleeping alone tonight." You say walking away into his moth- your room. You were about to step inside when Yuta pulls you by your waist into his room. He throws himself onto the bed and you notice the bedsheets are old and skinny. You pull them off him and he starts kicking.

"whywhywhywhywhy," he repeats like a child throwing a tantrum (a/n don't yall hate it when your parents do this to you? I had war flashbacks while writing this.)

You go into your room and take out the blanket. This blanket Yuta had bought you once because he wanted to have a specific blanket for when you guys had movie dates at your house. You take the blanket to him  and cover him with it. He almost immediately wraps himself in a burrito. You smile and begin to walk away and he yells "whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy." You roll your eyes and turn around. You climb onto the bed.

"Okay but only for a few minutes." He immediately hugs you and wraps his legs around yours. What a child.

Before you knew it he fell asleep and as did you.

The next morning you woke up to the sun blaring in through the window. You look at the boy clung onto you and he's fast asleep. He looks as if he hasn't slept in forever. You move one of his arms off of you and your elbows hold you up as you look at him sleep. You move one of his hairs from his face. He still has that same baby face you knew back in high school. Your fingers trace his features and once you reach his lips he smiled. His eyes then opened and he kissed you. Your face became red.

"Yuta!" He then wrapped his arms around you in a hug and rolled you over so that he's now on top of you. You both look into each others eyes.

"Y/n... lets start over."

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