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"Why don't I ask you a question?" you tell them and some of them are taken aback by your sudden bravery.

"How much does Yuta owe you?" you asked and they all looked at this one guy. You're guessing he's the leader of the pack.

"Yuta has been working for us to pay it off, we add interest, lets just say it's a lot," the man says and you look at him hard.

"I want a number, you can get your money by today if you give me a number."

"Hmm, 6,700,000 yen."

"Okay and if I give you this apartment along with all the furniture in it?"

"You're still 4,500,000 under."

"I have the money, come with me to a bank and I'll get it for you."


- Yuta's pov -

I run up the stairs into her apartment room and I yell for her. She's not there. I walk into the living room only to see blood stains on the ground. My vision becomes blurry for a second as I imagine them hurting her. Where could they have gone?  You search and search all day and night and you can't find her, she's no where to be found the only thing left is going straight to them. I march my way into the organization's hideout.

"Where is she?" I growl at the leader.

"You don't belong here anymore Yuta, your little girlfriend paid off all your debt, haven't you met up with her?" he asks. I'm taken aback by his words.

"What?" I breathe.

"Yeah, you should hurry she could've bled out by now, we scratched her up pretty bad. She said she was going to your place." and with that Yuta ran. Please please please be okay. As he neared his house he started to slow down when he saw her just standing there leaning against the door. But then he sped up again.

"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" He asks and she lifts her arm to reveal a thin cut. I sigh in relief and she then hits your chest.

"What took you so damn long?! I've been waiting here for hours." I notice all the luggage around her feet.

"What's this?" I ask and she smiles.

"We live together now."


WILL THEY FINALLY BE HAPPY? Find out next time!

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