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You brush your teeth in deep thought about what that jerk said yesterday. He knows how to piss people off doesn't he? Him like me? Funny way of showing it. Your phone began to ring and you spit out the paste and wiped your mouth. You pick up your phone to see a text from "Dog shit" aka Yuta.

I'll be there in 10 minutes - your loving boyfriend

Be here in 10 minutes? He doesn't even know where I live. At that moment you received another text.

I'm serious, Myra gave me your address.

You looked at the screen with wide eyes. Myra that wench!

Oh almost forgot

- your very attractive boyfriend***

much better

You looked down at your clothing and pounced towards the closet. 10 minutes?!?

As you were finishing up your makeup you heard the bell ring. You ran towards the door and stopped midway. Wait, why am I excited? What do I care if he waits? He then began to ring the door continuously. Your rolled your eyes and made your way to the door and opened it. You froze in place examining him in his black boots, ripped up jeans, white t-shirt, and leather jacket. He was glowing, while you on the other hand had 10 minutes to get ready.

"Aren't you missing something?" he asks pointing at your bare feet. Shit. You ran back to your room and slipped on some shoes. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. You grabbed your messenger back that contained the laptop and notebook you would need for the project. Making your way back to the door you ran into his back. He never fails.

"Come on," he says grabbing your wrist taking you outside. You approached a black car and pulled away from his grip.

"You're driving?" you ask him uneasy.

"Yeah, why? You don't trust your boyfriend?"

"I don't." His expression changed from playful to serious.

"I would never put you in any danger," he says in a earnest tone. You don't know why but suddenly you trusted him.

You didn't say a word and just climbed into the car. A smile formed on his face as he saw you get into then car and did the same.

"We're going to your place?" you ask and he starts the car.

"Why? Wanna go to my place?" he covers his chest and looks at you with a mockingly scared look, "Its too early on into our relationship and you already want to go to my place? I didn't know you had this side to you!" he screeches. You burst out into laughter, "You think I want to touch you?? Dream on!" you say clutching onto you stomach from laughter.

Yuta's face turns sour for a second but as he begins to drive he smiles. This is the first time he's made you laugh, his heart was bouncing of excitement.

You pulled up to a coffee shop and you looked at him questioningly. "Free wifi." he says pointing to the sign and you rolled your eyes at him getting out of the car.

The moment the both of you walk into the coffee shop everyone greeted Yuta. He seems to come here a lot.

"Go get that booth in the back." He tells you and you made your way to the booth.

"Who's that? Your girlfriend?" the coffee shop manager asks him.

"It's a secret," Yuta replies with a smile on his face.

You take out your laptop and get everything prepared. As you search for the website Yuta returns with two cups in his hand.

"You didn't tell me you were buying..." you reach for your wallet "here I'll pay you-"

"Give me money and I'll harass you more than usual," he warns and you frown at him, taking the coffee.

"Thank you," you say shyly taking a sip of the coffee. It burns your tongue immediately and you whine sticking out your tongue. Yuta giggles at you and hands you his iced tea. You take a sip from the straw and smile.

"Ah that felt good," Yuta smirks at you and you look at him confused.

"What now?"

"You just indirectly kissed me," he says and you scoff.

"Wow you really are like a child."

"And I'm about to indirectly kiss you," he says and without breaking eye contact puts his lips on the straw. You thought back to how close your lips were the other day and looked away immediately from him. Just hormones, just hormones.

"Stop playing around and lets work!" You scold and clear your throat. Today is going to be a long day...


Please lmk what you think of my story so far and I hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for reading!

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