In This Moment

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"Yuta, pass the freaking roller." You say to him and he ignores you with earphones in. The both of you were painting the house at the moment. Time to make new happy memories in this place.

"Yuta!" You call out again this time standing. Still no response. You walk up to him and he's crouched down dipping his brush in paint while nodding his head to the music and singing along softly. A bad idea popped in your head and you just smirked as you inched closer to him.

"Last chance Yuta," you say whispering. Then with one movement Yuta was knee deep in some Yellow Ochre paint. He quickly pulls out the earphones and stands up. You giggle as you run away.

"YO y/n that's not funny!" The tone of his voice made you run faster. Uh oh you pissed him off. You entered the kitchen and grabbed the paint. You smeared paint onto your chest area as he walks in. His serious face turned soft as he started to laugh.

"Your boobs are green now." He says and you laugh back at him. You walk up to him with your arms out for a hug and his face goes serious again.

"Oh no y/n don't even try." He dashes off quickly and closes the door to the bathroom.

"No fun!" You yell back at him and notice the roller on the floor.

"I found the roller ding dong." You reply and pick it up going back to the living room to paint the wall. The new furniture was wrapped in some bags in order to prevent it from getting painted on. The new furniture wasn't all that fancy for both of you are essentially working to pay it off but it was enough. Even just having each other was enough.

Yuta comes from behind and hugs you. He kisses your cheek and takes the roller.

"I need it." he responds and you grab his leg before he leaves.

"Please don't. Don't." You beg and he shrugs. You furrow your eyebrows, dip your hand in paint and splash him with the paint.

"What the hellllll!" He yells and begins to splash you back. 

To end a productive night the both of you got ice cream from the corner store. Both of you look like idiots with paint splatter all over but the both of you didn't mind. You held onto each other as you walked back home.

Crossing a bridge Yuta stops.

"Lets stay here for a moment." He says and leans against the railing. You lean against it next to him looking out into the night view of the city.

"You know..." Yuta began, you looked at him as he smiled bashfully looking down. "That day when we were paired up for partners I was actually nervous." 

You laughed at this, "No way."

"No, really, I was totally crushing on you. Sure I picked on you every now and then but we never actually hung out. I thought 'this is my moment!' but also 'what if I ruin this moment' I never thought I would be here with you, in Japan, living together." He says holding onto your hand.

"I definitely never imagined it. The annoying, teasing Yuta from class, the boy who would never leave me alone became someone I didn't want to live without." You tell him and smile. He smiles back and leans in for a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he turned and wrapped his around your waist. Both of were the happiest in that very moment together, finally.



I started college, I have a full time job, and this thing called writers block. But I will give you guys the ending yall deserve!

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