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The air in Osaka felt different. It felt weird being alone but here you were, alone in a foreign land. It was always your dream to visit either Japan or Korea and now you'll be studying in one. 

You already got your associates at a public school back home but now on your junior year you transferred over. Partially because it was always your dream and partially because you wanted to see Yuta. You tried calling him before you arrived but it was no use. His phone was disconnected. He never responded on his social media either. It made you worry. You knew his home address, you hoped and prayed he still lived there.

After settling into your new apartment you decided to go to that address.

knock knock... no answer.

knock knock... silence.

You rang the door bell about a hundred times but no one responded. You then knocked on the neighbors house.

"Hello I'm sorry to bother you but do the Nakamoto's still live here?" you asked and they nodded.

"Yes but they barely visit, those people got into a lot of financial problems after the mother got hospitalized."

"What?? His mother was hospitalized??? Which hospital??" You asked with deep concern in your voice.

After being told the hospital you said your goodbyes and quickly made your way over.

In a rush you found her hospital room number and the next second you were standing outside the door. Nervously you opened the door and peeked through. 

The woman that sat there was not the woman you remembered. The woman that sat there was pale, her cheeks showed no life. This couldn't be her. She turned her head towards you and she began to cry.

"Y/n... please save Yuta."


I know I'm hitting yalls with all this at once im sorry if this is terrible but I had a sudden spark of ideas and wanted to write them and publish them as soon as possible.

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