Lost & Found

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You don't know why but your first instinct was to run and that's exactly what you did. You ran, deep into the forest until your legs gave out. You stood against a tree breathing heavily. As you calmed down you looked around the dark forest... Where am I? Suddenly you began to panic, you started walking back to where you assumed was where the camp was located. At every little sound you jumped and began to walk faster. You weren't seeing light anywhere you were blindly walking. It's been 30 minutes and you just sat on a log. Your legs were scratched and shaking. Please, someone find me. You were desperate, you knew you would be found at some point but the dark forest was more terrifying than you could've imagined.

You got up and began walking some more and then you heard it.

"Y/N!" it was far but you heard it.

"Y/N!" There it was again! You began running to the sound and then you were able to see the lantern shining. As you got closer you saw Yuta's face and began to tear up. So relieved to see him. He saw you and began to run to you. His heart was about to burst from his chest. You both then molded into each other. You held him tighter than ever, burying your face into the crook of his neck and he held you just as tight.

"Y/n, what the hell were you thinking!" he says pulling away from you.

"I-I don't know! I just panicked! I was hurt and-"
"You were hurt?" Then Yuta notices, "WAIT ARE YOU HURT??" he asks waving the lantern up and down your body and stops at your legs.

"You're bleeding!" he exclaims and gets on his knees to examine your wound.

"Yuta it's okay I'm fine," you say bending down to be eye level with him. You hold his hand.

"Just take me back, I don't like it here." Yuta spins around in place.

"Get on." He says and you immediately get on his back. The walk back was quiet and even though the air was chilly his back gave you all the warmth you needed.

"I didn't kiss her." Yuta suddenly says.

"She forced me into a kiss." You smiled at the fact that Yuta didn't kiss her but then whispered "I'll kill her."

Yuta chuckled at your response, his heart fluttered, did you really get jealous?

As you arrived to the camp site a very worried Doyoung ran up to you. Yuta's eyes narrowed, here comes the cockblock.

"Y/N! Are you okay??? Where were you???" He exclaims as Yuta places you down on your feet.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me." You say smiling and as you were going to walk your legs gave out and Yuta grabbed you.

"How are you okay!?" Yuta snaps and you look at him surprised at his sudden anger.

"I'll take her to the infirmary-" Doyoung starts

"No. I'll take her." Yuta interrupts and picks you up bridal style. Doyoung stood there frozen as Yuta swooped you away.

"Yuta, put me down this is embarrassing!" you exclaim and he just glares at you.

"How are you going to lie to me and say you're fine?" he scoffs and you stay quiet. Was he really mad?

At the infirmary it was dead silent. You had medicine put on all your cuts and even compression socks for your sprained ankle. Yuta sat next to you staring at you.

You cleared your throat and looked at him. You felt awkward.



"Don't be mad..."

"How can I not be?" You were getting angry at his responds.

"What?! You want me to say I'm in pain?! Okay it hurts so much! It hurts like hell and I ran to you even though it hurt which made it hurt MORE but I was so happy to see you that it didn't matter!" You snapped. His eyes widen. Oh shit...

"You like me don't you?"


As promised a new part. I hope you enjoyed and continue commenting! 

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