I Missed You

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You tried to push him away but he stopped you by holding onto your waist tightly. He stepped forward and you couldn't help it, your mind was telling you no but every fiber of your body was yelling YES. Your lips met and you melted deep into his kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist and yours around his neck allowing yourself to get deeper into the kiss. As you pulled away to look at him you saw your phone screen and the time showing up. The alarm scared you awake and you sat up in your bed heart beating fast. Did you just have a dream about kissing Yuta?? Enough of Yuta, you have to stop hanging out with him seriously. No more Yuta.

You walk downstairs ready to make yourself some breakfast but instead is greeted with the smell of bacon and eggs. I guess mom (or dad) stayed in today!

You walk into the kitchen only to see Yuta, the one person you wanted to avoid, making breakfast.

"How did you get into my house?!" you yell, he turns unfazed by your sudden screaming.

"Oh, You're awake?" he says placing what's on the pan onto the plate. Your mouth waters at the sight of the food.

"Come eat," he says placing a fork onto the napkin. You narrow your eyes at him and suddenly the image of the both of you kissing popped up in your head, and your face became hot. You placed your hands over you cheeks to cool them down and walked over to the table. He sat across from you and began to eat. You just looked at him weirdly.

"Your mom (dad) seems to like me a lot, she (he) just let me in." He says smiling at you as he chews. Mom (dad) how could you...

"Well I'll let them know not the let stray dogs into the house anymore," you say about to take a bite of the eggs but Yuta takes your plate away causing you to whine. He freezes for a moment his heart skipping a beat at how cute you just looked to him.

"I was going to take this away but since you really want it..." he says giving in and giving the plate back to you.

"But remember this, this stray dog came all the way over here to make you breakfast." You looked at him and noticed, there are no games here, he really just came to make you breakfast. His phone rang and he picked it up.

"Yeah?...Okay I'll be right over," he says pressing the end button. Your heart sank, he's leaving?

"Gotta go, enjoy your breakfast!" he says standing but you stand right after him.

"Why are you leaving?? You haven't even finished breakfast!" you almost yell. He looks at you and smiles.

"I have to go to work, don't miss me too much," he then blows you a kiss causing you to remember that dream once again. You walk him to the door and watch him leave with a wide smile. Why does he do these sort of things?


For some reason you were excited the following day even if there was school. Walking into school you walked a little faster to class even though you still had 10 minutes until class starts. The moment you turned into class you bumped into someone's back and smiled. Yuta.

"When will your antics stop??" you ask him but usually you wouldn't have this smile on your face as you said this and he shrugs walking to his seat and you follow him with sudden energy. As you put your backpack down you heard your name being called by a familiar voice. Your heart suddenly stopped as you turned around.

He stood there smiling and waving at you. His smile as wide as ever, taller than you last remember him, a lot taller. He was also way vibrant than you last remember him. You ignored the weird look Yuta was giving you and embraced the boy who stood there with open arms.

"I missed you."


dundunDUN who is this boy??

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Thanks for reading!

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