Chapter 2-Monkey Business !?

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my oc. I'm going to try my best to posted chapters weekly. Now on to the story !!!!


Magnoila Town 

Lucy looked up at the building in front of her, "So this is Fairy Tail?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah, home sweet home!" Natsu said also with a bright smile.

Welcome to Fairy Tail !" Happy and Lucas shouted together with their arms out.

When the group of five had  got to Magnolia, they were standing outside of Fairy Tail's guild hall. Lucy was literally shaking with excitement, she couldn't believe she made to Fairy Tail. She would have kept up with her thoughts if she wasn't interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. Looking to its owner, she saw it was Sora.

"So..." He said "ready to go in?"

Lucy just smiled and nodded as Sora and Natsu grinned at one another and raised their feet to kick the door open.

"WE'RE BAAACK !!!!" They shouted in unison as they made their way into the guild.

Soon a girl with white hair with her bangs being tied up and wearing a dress while serving drinks to several of the guild members happily called out, "Natsu! Happy! Sora! Lucas! Welcome back!"

Before Lucy could even look around and inspect the place, another guild member, this time a guy with buck teeth wearing a jacket with stripes down the sleeves began to comment, "You really went overboard this time Natsu! We read in the paper that you destroyed half of Hargeon's harbor-"

He got cut off mid-sentence when one of Natsu's feet made contact with his face as the dragon slayer bellowed, "YOU CREEP! YOUR INFO ON SALAMANDER WAS ALL LIES!"

The white haired girl smiled happily and chuckled, "There you go, as soon as Natsu gets back, the place is in danger of going to pieces. HA HA HA!"

Panicking next to her, doing his best impersonation of The Scream, was a man with a light brown pompadour haircut and a smoking pipe yelling, "IT'S ALREADY FALLING APART!"

Amid all of the chaos though, Lucy was smiling, "It's incredible...Fairy Tail...I'm really here!"

Sora was smiling as well, watching as the fight raged on, "Yeah, it's really something..." but soon he jumped into the brawl too as another teen with raven colored hair rushed past him. He was shirtless, had the Fairy Tail emblem on the left side of his chest, and was only wearing some striped boxers...

"So that Pink haired idiot's back huh?!" began the boy, "You lousy...THIS TIME WE'RE GOING TO FINISH IT!"

Before the guy could even take a step towards the brawl, a girl wearing a bikini top and black pants with brown hair and sitting on a nearby table commented, "Gray...where's your clothes?"

"Huh?" Gray looked down as he realized his predicament and then shout, "AW DAMNIT! NOT AGAIN!"

Looking a little downtrodden the brunette continued, "You know, that's why they say the men in this guild have no class..." before going on, she began to lift a whole barrel of alcohol and drink as she said, " makes me sick..." leaving  Lucy speechless.

"You're one to talk Cana..." Gray muttered before turning back to the fight, "The clothes are gonna have to wait...NATSU! I'M TAKING YOU ON!"

With an almost deadpan face, Natsu responded, "No, find your clothes first! Then we'll fight Ice Princess!"

"THAT'S IT!" Gray shouted as he jumped towards Natsu, creating a dust cloud as they brawled. A huge  hulking white-haired man then came behind Lucy.

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