Chapter 50- The Black Mage

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. So in the last chapter, Sora faced off against Erza merge victorious. Hope you all enjoy it. I promise that I will have better fights coming up soon. I also want to think everyone again for the votes. So, without further ado, Enjoy!


(In the sky)

Lily and Carla were now flying over to Tenrou Island. "That's Tenrou Island." Carla pointed out holding a map in her paw.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to follow them there?" Lily asked.

"Why not? We're just going to watch." Carla replied.

"Worried about Wendy, I see." Lily suspected.

Carla grips the map as she almost rips it into pieces. She begins to complain about everything furiously shaking the map around. "Even though I was so dead-set against it, she..."

Lily simply just sighs at her.

"It happened a week ago..." She tells them about when Mest asked Wendy to be his partner in the trial.

Carla found Mest weird and opposed their partnership, but since Mest told Wendy that he was Mystogan's disciple, Wendy decided to help him out in Mystogan's stead.

"And in the end, she decided to help Mest in Mystogan's stead." Carla finished.

"And that's why you haven't spoken this past week." Lily stated.

"She's a lot more stubborn than she looks." Carla sighed. "I don't really care about this Mest guy. It's the exam as a whole I have a really bad feeling about."

"Your power to see the future, is it?" Lily asked.

I'm not sure... It's too fragmented, so I can't say." Carla replied.

"I'm curious about this Mest fellow." Lily begins to think about Mest's presence. "Mystogan's disciple... It doesn't sit right..."


(with Wendy and Mest)

"Gah! I want to know!" Mest declared as he regained consciousness, "What happened?" Wendy knelt down next to him.

"You were knocked unconscious," Wendy said, "Gray and Loke took off while you were out."

"So this year was a failure too?" Mest asked. Wendy began to cry.

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed, "I said I would help you. I tried my hardest, but I couldn't do anything to help." She could've used her Sky Eclipse Dragon Mode, but she didn't think she had enough control over it, and would potentially hurt her friends. Mest looked at her and smile.

"Its not the end of the world," he said, "You should be more worried about yourself."


(Elsewhere on Tenrou Island)

After their defeat over Mest and Wendy, the two arrived at the site where the other passers are. "Loke, Gray!" Lucy exclaimed. "I figured you two would pass the first test!"

"Congratulations, for now." Cana said.

"We were lucky and got the peaceful route." Levy informed.

"Lucky?! I didn't get to punch anyone!" Gajeel complained.

"So we're the only ones to pass the first exam?" Loke asked.

"Where's Natsu?" Gray asked.

"He's over there." Happy replied, pointing over to Natsu who's sitting on a rock alone.

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