Chapter 53- Dance with the Devil!

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Disclaimer: Hey guys Firestorm here with a new chapter for you guys. In this chapter, Sora and Lexi face off against of the Eight Kin. To see who, read through the chapter to find out. So without further ado, Enjoy!


All over Tenrou Island, the remaining S-Class teams and S-Class Mages battle the Grimoire Heart Mages that drop out of the sky. 


(With Lexi and Kiki)

"Sliver Script Dragon's Talon!" Lexi shouted as she drove her sliver wisps engulfed foot into a Grimoire Heart mages face, sending him flying back into a tree with a crash. After that, she went towards Kiki to help her out.

Kiki ducked a punch, blocked a knee, then launched up in a vicious uppercut. She smiled as she felt the Grimoire Hearts mage's jaw shatter beneath her hand. His eye rolled back and he fell, boneless. Kiki was sure he wasn't dead. She knew the others were injured. They were moaning and groaning, and a few were motionless. The two in front of her backed up nervously.

"How's a girl and cat like you two this powerful?" One demanded.

"It's unfair!" The other complained.

"You outnumber me and my partner and you say we're not being fair?" Kiki said with a smirk. "Man, your guild needs to find better help." She then shot two arrows. Both men took swipes at them, taking their concentration totally off Kiki. The arrows dropped where they were, but before either Grimoire Heart mage could do anything, Kiki seized their heads and smashed them together. They dropped, out cold.

"Kiki!" Lexi called as she made it over to her partner's side. Soon more GH dark mages begin to surround the two, making them stand back to back with each other.

"Who are these guys and why are they where?" Lexi asked as she tensed up for another round.

"I don't know, but there's more of them now." Kiki replied. "Also, judging by how many dropped out of the sky, the others must be dealing with this problem too."

Lexi took a fighting stance, "I don't care how many there are. Let's just wrap this up and go help them."

Soon, one of the dark mages spoke up to his comrades, "Come on! It's just a girl and a cat! Let's just take them out!"

With that, the GH dark mages all launched at the duo from all sides. Lexi and Kiki were just about to attack when...

"Solar Dragon's Wing Attack!" Sora suddenly jumped forward and blasted the circle of dark mages with rays of sunlight from his palms. The force of the attack blew the dark mages off their feet and sent them flying into different directions.

"Kiki! Lexi! Are you guys okay?" Lucas said as he flew up to them in his Neko Form. "Sora sensed that you two were the closest, so we came here as fast as we could."

"Glad to see you here Big-shot." Kiki spoke up with a smile.

Lexi nodded, "Yeah. These guys started dropping out of the sky and started attacking us, though we managed to take a few of them out."

Sora then jumped over to where they were and the four were soon surrounded by more dark mages. "Judging by the look of the shape on their masks. they're from Grimoire Heart." Sora said as he tensed up.

"Grimoire Heart?" Lexi asked.

"Who's that?" Kiki asked too.

"They're one of the most powerful dark guilds in the Balam Alliance. One of them was the Oracion Seis, but we took them down a while back." Lucas replied, looking around at the dark mages.

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