Chapter 15- The Rise of Sora and Natsu

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, Spiritbomb35 here, ready for some more Solar Dragon action, good please enjoy ch.15. This chapter may or may not long because I want to do the Jellal fight and the return to Fairy Tail next chapter. Which means, the arc everyone's been waiting on will start soon. I'll see how it goes.

I gotta say I can't believe that this is my most popular story. There are a couple changes I want to make. I'll show them later in the next chapters. Enjoy!


"How far did that guy get!?" Gray shouted in frustration.

"I don't know, but be on guard, there are people up ahead." Sora said as they entered an open room.

"I wonder who..." Lucas muttered.

Coming to a stop, the three noticed a strange looking man standing in front of a burnt Happy and an injured Simon.

"What are you doing!? I thought you were going after Erza!" Gray shouted angrily.

"Sorry, I got a little preoccupied." Simon replied, struggling to get up.

Sora ran over to the two. "Happy! Simon!  Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah...I'll live." Simon replied.

"Sora... that guy... he ate Natsu!" He choked out.

"What!?" He looked at the enemy and pointed at him in shock. "But that guy has a bird head!"

The bird headed man looked at them. "More of them? Tastes the flames of justice! Who-who!" He spit a large flame at Sora and Happy. The solar wizard jumped in front of the blast.

"Lucas! Get Happy!" he shouted.

 "Roger that!" the orange cat said before he picked up his fellow feline and jumped out of the way.

Landing next to Simon, he gently put Happy down. "Be careful, he is absorbing Salamander's magic."

As the flame came near Sora, he began to focus solar magic to his mouth, *Solar Dragon's Roar!*

With that, he unleashed a beam of golden magic at the fire causing a huge explosion.

"Well, well. If it isn't Sunbeast, brother of Salamander" the birdman spoke.

"Don't forget about me!" Gray shouted as he bumped a fist in his hand. "Ice Make: Lance!" Large streams of ice flew at the assassin.

The birdman fired another shot of flames, desecrating Gray's attack and covered him in flames. "Gahh!"

"Gray!" Sora was about to jump in when all of the flame's froze.

"Compared to Natsu's flames, these are nothing." The ice mage taunted.

Sighing in relief, Sora turned back to Simon. "Which way did that Sho guy go, Si?"

He said and pointed in the direction he last saw his friend go. "Please Sora, save Erza."

Sora nodded and gave him a toothy grin. "I'll bring her back, it's a promise!" Turning over to Gray, he shouted. "Hey Gray! You take care of things here, I'm going ahead! Come on, Lucas!" he then took off.

"Right!" Lucas responded as he flew after his partner.

Jumping out of the way from being gobbled up, he yelled back. "Yeah! We'll catch up shortly!"

'It's nice to know you're still alive, Sora' Simon thought as he watched his old friend's retreating back.

"Who-who! You think you can escape?" The bird headed assassin charged towards the fleeting wizard and cat duo but his path was blocked by a wall of ice. "Your opponent is me!" Gray stated.

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