Chapter 6-A Fated Encounter ?

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my oc. Enjoy!


Galuna Island,  the next morning....

The next morning found Sora and Lucas awake, stretching before heading out. After popping his neck to the side, Sora turned to his companion, "Alright, buddy. Are you ready to head out?"

Lucas nodded, "Yeah" before flying onto Sora's back to carry him. Soon, the two took off through the sky and began to search for the village from above. Upon waking up that morning and eating some fruit they found from the trees, Sora decided that they would look for the village first to see if the others were there as well as find out more about the curse.

Sora began to look around as they continued their way into the air, "Alright, if I were a village on an island, where would I be...?" he muttered.

"Hmmm....I don't know either" Lucas replied, "I mean, this island seems pretty big, even from up here. It might take us a while to....

"Hey! I think we're coming up on it!" Sora exclaimed as he pointed in front of him towards to what indeed appeared to be a small village as they were moving closer to it.

"....I stand corrected" Lucas stated as they began to descend towards the area. Upon closer inspection, the two friends saw that the small village lied within the island with a very tall gate. The gate has a sign stating,"Keep Out". Above, sharp spikes line the gate. On both sides, there are two large posts, and on the top are two large spikes connected to those posts. A wall encircled the entire village as if to protect it from outsiders.

Right as they got close enough to the large gate, Sora and Lucas descended to the ground and walked up to it.

Taking a deep breath, Sora yelled, "Excuse me! Is anyone up there!? We would like to speak with your village elder!"

Two people looked over the top of the gate. "Who goes there?"

"I'm Sora Lionheart and this is my friend Lucas" Sora replied, gesturing to himself and his cat companion "We're from Fairy Tail and we're looking for our friends."

The guards looked at each other in confusion. "More people from Fairy Tail?" They looked back at the two visitors, "Would you happen to be a companion with the other Fairy Tail wizards who showed up last night?" One asked.

Sora and Lucas looked at each other in surprise, "They must be talking about Natsu and the others' they thought before turning back to the guards, "Yes, we are friends of their's. Do you know where they are?" Lucas called out.

"If that's true, show us your guild marks" the other guard demanded

Sora showed them his left shoulder, which had his guild's mark on it, and Lucas turned around and lifted his scarf to show his guild mark on his back. 

The guards talked to one another. Sora folded his arms and tapped his foot and Lucas just rubbed his ears.

The gate started to open. "Come in. We'll get the mayor."

Walking into the village, they were surprised to a lot of people there looking at them as they waited for the mayor to appear. After a few minutes he showed up and greeted them. "Welcome to Galuna Island, young travelers."

"Hello sir, I'm Sora and this is Lucas" Sora said gesturing to himself and his friend again "You see, on our way to this island, our boat got hit by a tidal wave and we got separated from our friends. We were wondering if you've seen them."

Lucas nodded, "Yeah, it was two other guys, a girl, and a talking blue cat."

The mayor thought for a minute before his eyes brightened, "Oh! You must be talking about the other travelers who arrived last night. Indeed, they showed up here and they were searching for a orange-haired boy and his cat..." The mayor stopped and look at two for a second before smiling "And you must be the ones they spoke of."

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