Chapter 31-Fateful Reunion

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all! I own nothing but my oc. Special thanks to the reviewers, I truly appreciate it. So without further ado, Enjoy!!!


A huge grin spread across his face, as Sora stared at his incredible girlfriend. He then remembered the soldiers that were surrounding Lucy when one of them grabbed her wrist.

"Oww...that hurts!" Lucy winced in pain.

"Again, surrender!" the soldier snapped. Suddenly, Sora shot out of the alley .

"Don't you dare touch her!" he roared, as he started running in that direction. However, as he did, Lucy picked out one of her keys.

"Open, Gate of the Scorpion: Scorpio!" she said. With a large flash, the Scorpion Spirit came into existence.

"Lucy can use magic too!" Wendy said.

"Awesome!" Lucas exclaimed in joy.

"That's one of the spirits?" Edo- Lucy (who for now will be called "Ashley", as Earthland Lucy will just be called "Lucy") said.

"I've been looking forward to being summoned! Wicked!" he said.

"What the hell?!" one soldier said.

"Its some kind of demon!"

"Do your thing, Scorpio!" Lucy instructed.

"You got it!" Scorpio said, "Sand Buster!" Out of his "tail" burst a massive stream of sand, that blew several of the guards away in one blast.

"Whoa," Ashley muttered in surprise, unable to find any other words.

"Sorry to suddenly bail on you like this, but I've got a date with Aquarius," Scorpio said.

"Don't worry," Lucy answered with a smile, "Thanks for the help." With that, Scorpio disappeared.

"LUCE!" The blonde turned, and saw Sora running up towards her.

"Sora!" she cried happily, as she held out her arms and ran towards him. She couldn't believe her boyfriend was here.  Sora threw his arms around his girlfriend, picked her up, and spun her around.

"You're okay!" Sora said, as he looked up at her.

"So are you!" Lucy said, hugging back. Sora then put her on the ground, and pressed his lips to hers.

"What?!" Ashley said in surprise.

"What are you so surprised about?" Carla asked, "Wasn't it made clear already that those two were an item?"

"But I never thought..." She didn't finish, as Ashley looked over at them. Sora had his forehead against Lucy's, holding her close. Lucy then looked over at her other friends.

"I missed you guys!" She beamed happily as she gave everyone a hug, except for her 'other' self

"That's me!" Lucy said, pointing at Ashley. She disconnected from Wendy,  who the was the last person to be hugged, and approached her counterpart.

"I knew that it would be weird, but this is just....," Ashley couldn't find the proper words for this situation.

"Freaky?" Lucas and Happy asked.

"Yeah," Ashley nodded.

"Over there!" Another group of soldiers charged the group.

"Introductions will have to be put on hold!" Carla said, "We need to get out of here!"

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