Chapter 30 - Faust

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you guys! I own nothing but my oc. Again, I want to thank everyone who voted on this story and commented, You guys are the best! Like I said in the last chapter, Sora will be getting a blade and will probably be the only dragon slayer with one. So without further ado, Enjoy!!!


In the core of Edolas, lay the Royal City, a towering series of structures, all dwarfed by the massive Royal Palace, that looked more like a series of columns strung together than an actual structure. And hovering over it, was a Lacrima, the size of a city.

"Holy crap! You mean to tell me that one guy breathed fire and the other blasted golden light from his mouth! That's, like, impossible!"

"I know what I saw, Hughes." Erza was walking down the halls of the palace, flanked by Sugarboy and another man with short purple hair and a white streak, Hughes.

"I can't believe that Lockton had returned. I thought he abandoned that guild," Hughes replied.

"Well perhaps if Sugarboy had opted to actually participate in the fight instead of leaving, the result would've been different," Erza said, shooting a glare at her fellow officer.

"Mmmm," Sugarboy responded, "I was scouting out a potential location for Fairy Tail to run too."

"Regardless," Erza continued, "I don't even know how Natsu Dragion managed to do what they did. It was almost certainly coming out of his mouth, and unless he swallowed a fire lacrima, that shouldn't have happened. As for Lockton, I've never seen him use magic like that. In all the times we fought, he used swords or his hands, but not magic."

"Again, its, like totes, impossible," Hughes said, "But I'd love to know how they pulled all that off."

"When I catch both of them, I intend on finding out. That was power, and power that impressive should be at the kingdom's disposal," Erza answered, "But I'll admit that colossal lacrima did also earn my attention."

"Mhmm," Sugarboy said, "It is quite impressive. I heard it has an entire city's worth of Earthland magic."

"The details make it boring, Sugarboy!" Hughes said, "All I need to know is how totally awesome it is!"

"Not the words I would use, but I suppose you're correct," Erza said.

"Ms. Erza!" a raspy voice called. Everyone stopped and looked in said direction. A short, elderly person who looked more like a gremlin than a man stood before them.

"Byro," Erza greeted with a nod.

"So is it true?" the Chief of Staff inquired, "You encountered not only a fire breathing man, but a solar blasting man too with those Fairy Tail outlaws? That guild is becoming increasingly more annoying."

"It will be done," Erza said, "I was caught off guard, so it won't happen again."

"I'm certain," Byro sneered, "Kegh!Kegh! Kegh!"

"That sound is so abhorrent." A towering figure strode into view. He was wearing heavy armor with a large coat. But what was most notable was his face, which was that of a panther.

"Still as blunt as ever, eh Pantherlily?" Byro said. Pantherlily just scowled at him, as he walked forward.

"What's with you Pantherlily?" Hughes complained, "Why do you always act so high and mighty? Last time I checked you're not any better than us."

"Are you challenging me Hughes?" The man glared, but didn't say anything.

"Well you're certainly in a foul mood," Sugarboy said.

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