Chapter 24- Scarlet Sky

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! Spiritbomb35 here with a new chapter for you guys. This chapter will end the Oracion Seis arc and move into the next one. Also, the picture above is Sora's Dragon Force. I own nothing but my oc. Enjoy!


"This is the Flame of Rebuke," Jellal explained, holding out the golden fire, "I have no right to ask for forgiveness, but I do ask for you to use this power to fight this for. So please, let me believe in the man, that Erza believes in." Sora looked at him in silence, before grasping the hand that held the fire.

The golden flames consumed Sora, as he began to absorb it into his body. The fire then began to concentrate around his body.

"Finish him..."

"Thanks for the light," Sora said, "Now I'm going to incinerate this guy." Suddenly, steam began to float from his body with a hissing sound.

"I've heard of the Flame of Rebuke," Zero said, "In consuming it, you've absorbed Jellal's sins."

"Fairy Tail is no stranger to sin," Sora said slowly, as his body began to glow in golden flames. As his jacket was blown open, that was when he began to change. His green emerald eyes became a red blooded color, and his orange locks became a mane of shimmering gold. "The real sin would be averting my eyes from someone who was trying to help me!"

Sora blurred forward and struck Zero in the stomach with the end of his elbow, hearing the breath being expelled from the Oracion Seis mages body. He then then used his other fist to send a vicious uppercut at Zero, snapping his head back. The Oracion Seis master had gotten over his surprise and sent his own punch at Sora, striking him in the face. The Dragon Slayer shrugged it off and ignited his arm in solar magic and brought it around and striking the Oracion Seis mage, "Solar Dragon's Fire Sword!"

Zero was blasted across the room and a moment later Sora had launched himself after Zero. He found the Oracion Seis mage ready and waiting with an insane grin on his face and they engaged each other, each throwing blows faster than the eye could see, each landing hits on the other. Sora felt a fist hit him in the face and he began to fall backwards, at the same time he saw Zero lean over and begin to punch downwards at his face, intent on driving him through the stone. Instead Sora opened his mouth and let out a blast of solar power that blasted Zero upwards into the ceiling. He quickly rolled backwards and hopped to his feet, standing ready in the middle of the bowl as Zero fell to the ground. He could hear the Oracion Seis master muttering, "What is this power. This must be... Dragon Force!"

When Sora heard the words he realized that this was that same as when he and Natsu had eaten Etherion. He glanced at his arms and saw that golden scales had appeared and he realized that he could feel them on his face as well. He let the light coalesce around him and saw that it was flames of gold too, 'It's like it doubles... no.... triples my power. Amazing...'

He saw Master Zero stand up out of a pile of rubble and the muscular man said, "Dragon Force. It is the final form of Dragon Slayer magic. It's power is said to be without rival, able to annihilate anything."

Zero laughed, "Interesting! Come at me with the power to slay dragons!"

Sora growled, "With this, I will destroy you. Feel the light of my wrath! Solar Dragon's Blazing Fist!"

He charged and swung his arm straight at Zero who held out a hand and stopped it with a green tinted barrier. Sora's arm began to absorb the magic of the barrier and Zero seemed to realize this, dodging backwards just as Sora's arm would have taken his head off. Instead Sora smashed the ground and cracks appeared in the stone floor, kicking up a large dust cloud. Zero grinned and placed both hands on the ground, "Dark Gravity!"

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