Chapter 5-Trials and S-Class Missions

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, I'm back! Now as you all know, this chapter contains the Galuna Island arc. But I'm going to be adding my own twists in this part so keep a look out. I own nothing but my oc. Enjoy!



It has been nearly two days since the Lullaby incident and despite all the things that went down, it felt like a normal day for the members of Fairy Tail.

Lucy was  currently sitting at her desk writing a letter to her mother about the guild, the Eisenwald incident, and the friends she made, especially with a certain orange-haired dragon slayer. When she finished the letter, she stretched and thought about what she was going to do today before a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Wow, for 70,000 jewel a month, you got this place dirt cheep." Said the voice.

"Intruder Alert!" Lucy yelled when she saw Gray had broken into her apartment, then delivered a powerful kick to his chest that knocked the wind outta Grey when she saw he was practically naked. "And no stripping in my house."

"Whoa, whoa, you got the wrong idea. I stripped before I came inside." Gray said matter-of-factually.

"Get out!" was Lucy's reply.

"Besides..." Gray started ignoring Lucy's order. "I came to remind you that, that was happening today."

"That?" Lucy questioned

"See, I knew you forgot. Remember what Natsu said before we took that mission a couple of days ago. He challenged  Erza to a fight, but now it's Sora he's fighting. It's about to start."

"What!? Sora and Natsu are going to fight?" Lucy said shocked as she ran out the door with Gray behind her.


Outside the Guild...

The entire guild was outside surrounding Sora and Natsu cheering as the two stood across from each other.

"Wait, they were serious about fighting!" Lucy exclaimed as she appeared in the crowd.

"Oh, hey Lucy, glad you could make it." Mira said noticing Lucy's presence.

"They'd better be serious, they wouldn't be real men if they weren't." Elfman said from behind Mira.

"Although those's two are more like a monsters than men." Macao commented. "Especially considering they're both dragon slayers."

"Won't it cause problems down the road if two people from the strongest team fight?" Lucy asked worried.

"Strongest team? What are you talking about?" Gray asked quizzically.

"You, Natsu, Erza, and Sora, you're the strongest members of Fairy Tail." Lucy said.

"What dumb-ass told you that." Gray said, not realizing Mira was right next to him and heard what he said, causing her to start bawling. "Oh, it was you Mira, I didn't know." Gray said nervously.

"You made her cry Gray." Lucy scolded him.

"I can understand Sora and Natsu being strong, but not even those two are close to the strongest" Elfman commented.

"Of course, I can agree to Erza being the strongest female." Levy said.

"But for strongest in general, you also have to consider Laxus and Mystogan." Jet said.

"Not to mention that geezer, Gildartz." Droy added.

Erza just stood to the side quietly. Even though she was a bit miffed that Natsu chose to fight Sora first instead of her, Sora promised to buy her cake afterwards, which she happily accepted without hesitation.

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