Chapter 64 - Magic is Alive

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Disclaimer: Hey guys, Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all. As I said before, this chapter will conclude the final battle with Hades and near the end of the story. Hope you enjoy. Thanks again for the comments and votes. So without further ado, Enjoy!


(With the main group)

"RRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The Fairy Tail mages charged forward towards Hades and his team of earth demons. Sora took the lead, his green eyes ablaze with power and his lips drew back in a snarl as Lexi ran beside him. Gray and Erza came up from behind followed by Lucy and Wendy; Natsu was in the back but he kept up with everyone as they formed a diamond-shaped formation.

"What can you accomplish with such miniscule power?" Hades growled as he did some sort of weird sign with his hands. "Dance, demons of rubble and stone!" Immediately they fired beams of darkness from their mouths at the group. The mages were unfazed at the oncoming attack because they were focused solely on defeating the dark master.

"Solar Dragon's Flare Wall/ Sliver Script Dragon's: Guard!"  Sora and Lexi raised both arms in front as a wall of solar heat and the word 'Guard' formed in front of the two respectively, shielding them from the blasts as they kept running. Wendy and Lucy grabbed Natsu's hands and threw him forward with all their strength, causing them to fall behind. Gray and Erza watched as Natsu flew towards them before lifting their feet to connect with his, giving him an extra boost.

"Send everything to the bottom of's time for the sun to sink! Fairy Tail!" Hades crowed as Natsu flew towards him. There was a massive explosion and the other mages tried to stand their ground as the gust of winds blew past them. Natsu's scarf fluttered away in the wind as the fire dragon slayer punched Hades in the face with all his might.

"I...Impossible...!" Hades gasped as he stumbled back from the punch. "The Dark magic had no effect?! This can't be! My magic is..."

"UUUUOOOOOOOOOO!" Sora roared as he suddenly launched an uppercut to Hades' jaw.

'It can't be! My heart!' Hades thought with worry. Within the boat, Carla and Happy shared a high-five as the machine was destroyed. Lucas, Kiki and Lily smirked as their enemies retreated or stared dumbfound at what had just happened.

"Natsu!" Lexi exclaimed before noticing his scarf floating in the wind. She quickly grabbed it before it flew off into the ocean. "I'm gonna fall!"

"Lexi, watch out!" Wendy grabs her leg and pulls her back on the ship.

"My heart!" Hades said, before he loses his Magic Power and watches as his earth demons disappear.



"The secret to Master Hades' great magic and his longevity..." Vanidas spoke to himself as it started to rain on the island. It would appear that he didn't die but merely passed out. "...was the 'Heart' inside the battle ship...the 'Devil's heart.'"


(With the main group)

"Hmm?" Wendy turned her head towards the island with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong Wendy?" Lucy asked her, Natsu's scarf secured in her arms.

"Our magic power..." Wendy spoke as the fairy tail mark on their bodies began to glow.

"But the tree..." Lexi looked at the Tenrou tree in confusion. "There wasn't anything wrong with it before...maybe it's a sign!" Erza and Gray looked at their own glowing marks while Sora's golden mark shined brightly on his left shoulder and Natsu's red mark glowed before disappearing and they continued to pummel the dark master.

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