Chapter 11- Beast vs Demon

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Disclaimer: Hey guys! It's me again. As you already know, I own nothing bu my oc. I want to thank everyone who voted for this story and commented. You guys are my heroes!!! So in this chapter, Sora squares off with Anubis, another Ace of Phantom Lord. Enjoy!!!


Sora continued glaring menacingly at the larger mage as he rose to his feet, fury brimmed off his eyes, and every muscle twitched and ached for vengeance for what he and Phantom Lord did to Fairy Tail, to Shadow Gear, to Lucy. "There will be no redemption for the likes of you." Sora spat venom with every syllable.

"Good, because I didn't ask for your forgiveness." Anubis gave off a cocky smirk at the solar mage, battles continued around them, battle cries and screams of pain echoed around them. "Your magic, it's interesting, a new challenge for my body. But I still believe you will not make me use any of my magic, Dragon slayer."

Sora's brow furrowed at the insult before he engulfed both of his arms in solar light, "Then I'll just kick your ass to the point where you can't use it all."

 "Solar Dragon's Blazing Path!" With a single word he crushed the ground beneath his powerful speed, crouching down before attacking, delivering a powerful kick to Anubis' stomach, launching him high into the air.

Not finished He ran straight up  jumped high into the air to greet the floating hooded mage. He spun in the air and crashed his solar powered arm into the abdomen of the boy, hitting the same spot that he previously struck. Anubis' eyes widened as the attack struck, launching him across the hall.

"Solar Dragon's Blazing Hammer!" Anubis' silver eyes widened further when he saw the solar mage suddenly above him, with a cocked back arm, driving into the same part of his body that had just been attacked twice. The attack drilled him back towards the Earth, his back slamming hard against the harder floor and kicking up a large dust cloud.

Sora landed gracefully back on the other side of the battle field. "Not done yet!" Sora yelled, and charged towards the downed Phantom Lord mage. With his speed, Sora reached Anubis and grabbed the boy's ankles before lifting and slamming him into the ground with devastating force, before throwing him back up in to the air.

"Solar Dragon's Missile Spheres!" Sora roared, and summoned five small orbs shot from each of his hands, colliding with Anubis' body creating miniature explosions as they connected.

Sora then  finished the second onslaught with another crippling blow from his Blazing Hammer into Anubis' back, launching him straight back into the floor, creating a second crater through the impact.

Sora narrowed his eyes as he stared at where the Phantom mage had crash landed. 'Something isn't right about this guy's body. It isn't normal, the bones seemed reinforced. My blows should have been enough to shatter his body and yet...'

"He isn't even injured..." Sora stared in utter shock as Anubis calmly rose to his feet, a wide grin plastered across his partially visible face.

"I won't act like a tough guy and say that didn't hurt," He uttered out to the trip across Phantom Lord's Guild Hall. "But you're going to need something better to damage this body of mine."

With great speed he appeared before Sora, delivering a powerful punch to the solar dragon slayer's face. "My bones are indestructible!"

"My mind is unbreakable!" He suddenly turned and delivered a shattering kick to Sora's stomach, knocking the air out of him.

"My spirit is unbending!" Anubis then loomed over the solar mage, before delivering a simple head-butt to the dragon slayer, hammering him downwards into the ground with his sheer size advantage.

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