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Get This

Three days later

I woke up and packed my suit case making sure not to leave anything behind, going home and back to the same old people but I'm more than ready.

I grabbed breakfast at a small shop after loading my car.

Today was the meeting we set up to give Sledgehammer to the director of Star Trek so now that project is done and I have to say, it's a fucking hit.

Walking into the same room the first meeting was held, and waiting around 15 minutes. I was the first one out of Rihanna and I to show but I don't think it would effect anything if she didn't show, I have the song with me.

"Okay Mr. Brown sorry for the wait, I am so excited to see what you have worked on. You wrote all the lyrics, correct?"

"Oh no, it was both Robyn and I that contributed to the song, equally."

"Do you mind listing the shares of work?"

"No, not at all. I originally had all the lyrics done, Robyn added the sound, then she worked on the bridge and I worked on the rising beats."

He nodded his head in approval.

There was a soft knock on the door and Robert stood up to answer it, in coming Rihanna. She greeted him and apologized for her lateness.

I gave her a hug and she sat in the chair next to me.

"Okay so as far as we have gotten, Chris has caught me up on the equal works put into this song." He informed her. "Wait are you both singing in the song? As a duet?"

We looked at each other and she looked a little nervous, little did she know.

"No" I said to him, "it's just Rihanna singing. I just figured with one voice, less is more and I can definitely hear the powerfulness shown through the song even more with only her. Anything else would be taking away from it."

"Amazing I love it already, lets have a go at it shall we?" He held his hand out waiting for a flash drive to be given and I gave it to him.

I looked back at Rihanna and she had the most lowkey confused face I've ever seen. I chuckled a little to myself.

I just really liked the song better with her on it alone. As I said, less is sometimes more and that's exactly what it is in this case. Oh how cute a duet being played on Star Trek, what in the hell? I just wanted to surprise her. And it's not like my pay is being cut short for not singing it because I made it.

As we waited for the song to finish, we both studied his face.

The song came to an end, "well I am very...." he paused looking down at his crossed hands.

"Proud. You both have brought every single emotion we wanted to reveal in the song. I am very pleased with this song, I am. I'll take it!" He said standing up so he can shake our hands.

"We have a deal then" I said smiling. When he left the room Rihanna gave me a big hug.

I squeezed her and she pulled away.

"I can't believe you did that? Why would you cut your part out? Your voice fits so well with it! I lov-"

I cut her off laughing, "okay and that's the same way I feel about yours, yours truly brought everything out that I couldn't so here we are, Rihanna: Sledgehammer, and 'Chris Brown' in the 'lyrics written by:' part" I joked on the last part.

"That was so sweet of you of you Chris, thank you." "Alright alright you're welcome." She gave me another big hug but this time it's like she really meant it.

She moved back but she still had her arms on me and my arms still holding her.

We stared into each other's eyes for a hot second, "you-"

But I was interrupted but Robert coming back in the room nonchalantly saying he is already transferring our money over to us.

We pulled away quickly but not as if we got caught in an act.

"I got a flight to catch in about an hour I should be heading out now. But you said you'll be in LA next week right? I'll see you then ma" "yeah but I'll just walk down with you I'm leaving now too." She said grabbing her purse and we headed downstairs.

"I'll see you soon Chris I'll text you" she said giving me a hug, "alright baby call me" "stop oh my goodness!" She said irritated and laughing at the same time.

"Okay" I said then gave her a kiss on the cheek a little close to the mouth and speed walked outside to get to my waiting car to the airport, not looking back see her reaction. But I told my driver to not drive off until she gets in her own car, making sure she's okay.

Then off to LA finally.

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