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Robyn's POV

"Babe the food is really really good tonight." I tell Chris happily as we finish the rest of our dinner. "All for my princess."

"You kn-" I start but get cut off by a knock on the door.

"I'll be back." Chris says and goes to answer. "I'm actually in the middle of dinner." He tells the person. "Babe, you don't mind a guest do you?" He asks me and I shake my head. Yes I do but not wanting to be rude.

"I'm not a guest. Move." The woman's voice laughs and pushes Chris out the way. "Rihanna." She says with a forced smile. "Beyoncé." I smile as well.

"Sorry to interrupt." She says then looks back at Chris. "What happened?" He asks her, sitting on the couch now and she begins the talk but me being angry already, I gather the plates together and put them in the sink until I hear him cough a few times loudly.

I walk over to the living room to see he is crouched over, coughing into his shirt.

"You okay?" I sit down next to him, rubbing his neck. He nods his head, trying to control his coughing.

"Are you sure? Chris no you aren't." Giselle asks calmly then stands up just as I once he starts to cough even more and holding his chest. He shakes his head no, "asthma treatment." He chokes out the words.

Fuck he's having an asthma attack, I run over to the bathroom in the first floor, knowing I've seen the machine down here before.

Opening the cabinet under the sink, I curse out not being about to find it due the the little clutter. "Are you serious?" Giselle asks angrily and made her way to the back of the section and pulls out the small machine.

She rolls her eyes, not towards me but I know it was towards me. Not even worrying about her, we both go back to Chris quickly. She plugs the cord into the wall.

Reverting my attention over to Chris, I rush back over to his side, rubbing his back while Giselle plugs the cord into the wall. "It's okay baby, you're going to be just fine, I promise." I try to comfort.

He reaches for the mask that helps balance his breaths and she holds it up to his face for him.

"I got it." I cut my eyes towards her, she huffs quietly and I hold the mask up to his face.

"Shit. What would have you done if I weren't here?" She asks annoyed. "I would've gotten it myself." I pay her hardly any attention.

"He would've passed out." She rolls her eyes staring at him. "Alright." I say getting annoyed by the conversation. "I only want to make sure he's okay."

"Giselle I understand, but you can't talk to me like this in my home." I stand, now that Chris has calmed down. I didn't want to get out of line. "Your house?"

"Yes my house." I tell her. "Giselle she's moving in but still, you can't talk to her like that in general, her house or not." Chris said rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Oh okay." She nodded her head. "But it's okay for you to disrespect me in my home?" She squints her eyes, skeptically. "In your home?" I ask. I'm so lost? What the hell is she talking about?

She scoffs. "What are you talking about?" Chris asks, extremely tired of this conversation. "Well. Remember I told you I came home one day, and found Aubrey laying under some girl?" Giselle asks Chris. She's not doing this right now.

"And?" Chris replies confused. "Well now you know whom the girl was." She motions towards me.

"Excuse me? I've-" she cuts me off. "You weren't with Aubrey?" She asks. "I was. Not-"

"Exactly. You knew he was with me too." Tears clearly threatening to fall. "Why do you think she's so new to this? She's only ever been a side b-" she spat but Chris stood quickly in between us.

I look down not wanting to feed into something I know isn't true. "Giselle I'm not feeling well please don't do this tonight." He asked in a lower voice than both of us had.

She nods her head. "I'm sorry Chris. Feel better." She rubs his arm and heads out.

"Giselle it wasn't me." I spill to her in a pleading voice. She shakes her head no and cuts her eyes to the door and continues out.

I genuinely didn't want to do anything I'd regret because I know how close to family she is. But there's a line between her and my man and I that shouldn't be crossed. Especially not in our house.

I rub my eyes and look over at Chris to see him bending down to unplug the cord but I pull his body back up, stopping him. "I'll take it up baby go ahead." I tell him and without even looking at me he turns to go upstairs.

I let out a sigh, great.

"I'm going to leave it plugged in, the mask is right here." I sit the mask up so the liquid medicine inside won't drip out.

"Thank you." He mumbled and closed his eyes. I pull the thick cover over his body for him. I tuck the blanket into his shoulders dramatically until his opened his eyes to laugh.

"Are you going to sleep right now?" I ask since it's a little early. I caress his cheek. "No." He says with a serious face again, not looking at me.

I lift the blanket to get underneath with him but he didn't grab me like he usually does.

"Chris you know it wasn't me, right?" I ask, knowing that's what's bothering him. He looks at me without saying anything. "I promise it wasn't me. I was with him for like a month and it was when I was in Miami, after he came back from LA. I only knew of Giselle as his ex. She must've seen someone else." I tell him trying to get his understanding.

"Okay." He says not really worried about it. "So you believe me?" I ask. "I've never not believed you Robyn." He laughs. "Really? I thought you didn't." I smile.

"You never gave me a reason not believe you and I trust you." He shrugs. "I'll talk to Giselle later on. I would've said something else but I really didn't want to talk about it." He says with his eyes getting lower.

"You said enough baby, thank you." I smile and rest my head on his shoulder and he pulls me in for a warm hug.

"How are you feeling?" I ask hearing his breaths. "Shaky as hell. Better but I know I'll need the treatment later."

"Just wake me up when you need it alright? Try to get some sleep, it's 8 now but you'll be up tonight so you might as well get as much sleep as you can." I tell him making sure he's okay.

He nods and starts to close his eyes. "I love you, Robyn."

"I love you too, princess." I kiss cheek and he laughs, pushing me away. "Don't say that again please."

"Why not princess?"

"I'm breaking up with you."

"Princess come back...you can blame it all on me-" I sing changing 'baby' to 'princess'. "You have to call me daddy now."

"Robyn can you please go to sleep?"


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