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Robyn's POV

"And you couldn't tell me?"

"It was last minute."

"You know you really should be working right now. You have no time to waste."

"I'm not wasting any time. I have nothing major for a few upcoming weeks, I just needed a break."

"Needed? So then come back and get to work."

"Still need."

"Who are you with?"

"Mom I have to go, I'm with a friend don't worry, I'll be back soon stop worrying, love you."

"Mhm. Be careful, Love you too." She said quickly and ended the call.

I sigh loudly, putting my phone on the bathroom sink.

I wrap the towel around my body that I used from last nights/this mornings shower at 4am after making love.

I smiled as I look in the mirror. I feel so happy around him it's crazy. I think I'm falling a little too hard for him but this isn't the time to second guess. This is all about Chris and myself for the next two weeks and I don't want it any other way.

It's 7am here so around 4am over in LA  is when I'd be heading to work right now.

I walk out of the bathroom and head back to a peacefully sleeping Chris.

I move the sheet up and throw my arm and leg on his naked body.

His hand rubbed over my head and down my back. "Take that off." He said in a deep raspy voice, opening his eyes for a tiny bit to see I had a towel on.

I stand up and drop the towel on the floor, he watched me the whole time and opened his arms.

I lay back down on the bed and hug him. He pulled the sheet over both of us again and hugged me.

He moved my left leg to go in between his and my right leg to drape over his top leg.

He squeezed me tightly making me smile.

I'd say good morning but I know how tired we both are. After a few minutes I hear his light snores meaning he's sleeping very well which made me happy. Hearing that is music to my ears so I fall back asleep with no problem.

I wake up feeling way more rested. Chris being in back of me, his head laying on my neck, he hugged my body securely.

I snake my hand into his, intertwining them right in between my breasts and he held my other hand with his free hand as well making me giggle a little.

"Good morning Chris." I tell him. "Good morning, princess." He said in my ear.

"Who were you talking to earlier?" He questioned.

I turn around to face him, still playing with his fingers.

"My mom, she's upset I'm taking time off and I didn't mention anything." I shrug, covering myself a little bit with the blanket.

"Ugh" he groaned in annoyance. "You work for yourself not her."

"I know baby, that's why I don't care." I kiss him chest lightly. "It's all about you and I for now and I just want to focus on that."

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