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Christopher Brown

"Will you marry me?"

"Chris you are not serious." She giggles thinking I was just being funny. I laugh with her but I notice her small frown. Not thinking much of it, I let it go.

Hearing the water turn off, I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom door. I kneel down nervously not being prepared.

"Will you marry me?" I ask her. Her eyes widen but wait for me to say something else. "Will you marry me, Robyn Rihanna Fenty? No this is not the official proposal but this is an official engagement, if that makes any sense."

"Give me a second." She holds her pointer finger out with her lips in between her teeth ready to cry. Turning around, she goes into the bathroom and not even one second later she's in my arms.

"I can't believe this!" She laughs through her cries. "Babe!" She yells.

"Answer me already, geez." I huff playfully. "Of course I'll marry you." She sniffles and my heart melts. "And I promise I'll do it the right way, you deserve a huge ring and be proposed to better than this-"

"No this is fine, this is perfect. You're the best." She mumbles into my neck. "Give me a kiss." I smile. She shakes her head with a giggle. "What? Give me a kiss!" I tell her again kissing her cheek.

"You're making me nervous again!" She sighs lifting her head up showing a face full of tears. Wiping her face with my thumbs.

"You're such a baby oh my gosh." I scoff pulling her in my arms again for a hug. "We're engaged!" She squeals. "Yes we are." I laugh, closing my eyes taking in how happy she is in this moment.

"I love you so much." She catches her breath and picks her head up to kiss me. "So so so much." She keeps kissing me.

"I love you more, princess." I smile. "Your mom will kill us." She laughs taking a break from crying. "Why?"

"She hates me!" She says in a duh tone. "My mom does not hate you, Robyn." I laugh. "Oh yes she does." She narrows her eyebrows. "No it's just that the only time you really met her, it didn't really turn out the best." I shrug.

"Also even if in a million years she hates you, I'm still going to marry you and continue to be everything you love about me because you're the love of my life and that's just how it's gonna have to be." I say dramatically and she laughs hysterically.

"Ah man! God really blessed me, he really did."

"Are you ready to be a stepmom though?" I ask her and her eyes widen. "Holy shit I'm going to be a stepmom." She covers her gaping lips. "That's if you still want to marry me. Royalty and I are a package deal." I laugh.

"Shut up, yes I still want to marry you." She sniffles. "I want the both of you in my life."

"There's a whole lot we need to figure out. Where we're going to live, how your family is going to react, how mine will react. How the rest of the world is going to react when they hear 'Chris Brown and Rihanna- Engaged!'"

"We shouldn't announce it for a while though. Until we get everything situated. We'll keep it to ourselves and once we have things settled, plan the best way to spill the beans." She says. "Good idea. Don't say a word." I hold out my pinky and she does too.

"You don't know how happy I am." She leans her forehead on my shoulder. "No I think I'm way happier. I'm the one going to marry Miss Rihanna. Not you. Aha." I tease.

"Remember the first time we went on a vacation? Like we went away for the night or weekend and we were on the beach, running around. We played football, the first time we slept together. I never told you but that was one of the best days of my life." She reminisces, her hand roaming over my chest gently.

"Really? One of the best for me was when we went out to eat and that old couple complimented us. They aren't the reason why it was so amazing but I think about that a lot, Robyn. You looked just as beautiful as you are right now, eyes just lit up with happiness the rest of the night. Man I knew right there I can't live without you." I say with my eyes closed replaying that night, knowing every detail because I think about it so often.

"I'm the happiest when I'm with you." She giggles. "That's what you said that night too." I smile kissing her head. "I know. It was one of my favorite nights too." She says. "I looked so fine it's not even funny!" She says loudly as her head pops up from my chest.

"You still look just as fine!" I smack her butt lightly.

Robyn kisses me on the lips and smiles, "I don't think I'll ever get out of this being in love stage. I don't want to."

"I don't think it'll be any time soon. I always want to be in love with you. And only you."

"Well I guess these are the reasons why we're engaged now." She shrugs and pulls my head to her chest hugging. "Can we just stay like this for the rest of the day?"

"Yes...but not in the bathroom." I tell her and she laughs.

"I love you."

"Love you more." We kiss again. "Let's go." I tap her butt and we get up.


Wow this made me fall in love with their relationship again for the 89th time.


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