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Hiii, I didn't know when I'd come back to this story but I just want to thank everyone that's still here reading!!

Robyn Rihanna Fenty

My daydreaming gets the best of me tonight, I zone out at the dinner table reserved for two; although, it's only me right now

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My daydreaming gets the best of me tonight, I zone out at the dinner table reserved for two; although, it's only me right now. I wait for a man that I wish is happy to meet me.

My eyes water a bit just imagining Chris not being excited to finally get some alone time with me. He's late for our date, what else can be the reason?

There hasn't been a strain on this relationship but everything has just been so hectic and busy these past two months with both of us getting back in the studio, working the longest hours. I miss him with all of my heart and just want to be smothered with his love. My biggest fear is the feeling of not being mutual. 

We planned this romantic evening a week ago and I've been nervous leading up to it. I spent time doing my hair and makeup, wanting to impress him even if it's a tiny bit. 

I check my phone after trying not to for a few minutes, and my heart drops seeing no notifications from him. I roll my eyes and lean back into my chair. I feel no desire to move. I feel stuck. 

This fear that I have deep inside of me is having a field day. I breathe and feel every inch of air fill my lungs. I shake my head repeatedly telling myself to just cry in the car. But my body can't even seem to move because of the chance he'll show up.

I shift my head over to looking out of the window, seeing the rain pick up speed. I dream of his car pulling up to the parking space before my eyes and with each car that passes the spot, my heart flutters in disappointment.

I move my eyes to the middle of the table staring at the wine bottle, and my drunken glass. Fiddling with my fingers, a big light forces me to squint.

I turn my head towards the window to see two headlights in the parking spot, my heart beats intensely. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I do anyway. I stare but can't seem to make out if it's his car or not since its dark and raining,

The headlights turn off and the driver reaches over for something in the passenger seat. Then he steps out the car, its Chris, with no umbrella, holding a bouquet.

My lips are filled between my teeth and I wait for his arrival. I kind of feel like my eyes were deceiving me because it seems too good to be true. I feel nervousness exude from body waiting. 

"Hey." I feel his fingers grab my arm to get my attention. "Baby!" I yell-whisper. I jump into Chris's arms and he pushes his face into my neck, embracing me tightly. "I'm soaked." He whispers and even though I take that into consideration, I don't mind. "I don't care." I shake my head, "I thought you weren't going to make it." I feel I get very emotional.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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