Summer's Prologue

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"Leave me alone Summer. Don't text me or call me over the summer. Actually, don't bother talking to me anymore. And not just over the summer, I mean don't talk to me next year." He said. He walked away. All I asked him to do was sign my yearbook. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I ran over to what used to be my locker, and is now empty. My best friend was still packing up her locker. She looked over at me.

"Oh my god! Summer! What's wrong?" She asked. More tears fell out.

"Did he sign your yearbook?" She asked.

I shook my head no.

"Do you need a hug?" She asked.

I nodded yes and she enveloped me in a hug. After she released me she looked me in the eyes.

"Do you need a tissue?"

"No." I responded.

"What's wrong then."

"I can't tell you here." I told her.

"But, hmm, it's the last day.... And I'm going over Owen's house." Owen was her boyfriend-ish.

"Please come to my house! Please!"

"I don't know..."

"I really need my best friend right now. Plus I'm going go camp for half the summer!"

"F-fine!" She said, "let me just text Owen and let him know that I can't hang out." I waited while she texted and when she finished, she put her phone in her back pack. Her locker still wasn't finished being cleaned out. She shoved her hand in and shoveled all the crap into her bag in one motion. She closed her locker.

"Let's go!" She said. We walked outside and up to my mothers car.

"Hi mom." I said, standing outside her driver- side window. She rolled it down.

"What do you want?" She asked suspiciously, knowing fully that something was up.

"Can Tomika come over?"

"Well, because it's the last day of school.... Yes."

"Yay!" I yelled. My mom rolled up her window and Tomika climbed in the backseat while I walked around to the passenger seat. Tomika was playing with my baby brother, Nicky.

"I swear he gets cuter every time I see him!" She exclaimed.

"He's not so cute when you live with him!" I commented. Tomika laughed and we all talked about our last day of school on the car ride home. When we got there, my mom went to the back to get Nicky and Tomika and I ran inside. We beelined for the kitchen and grabbed cheez-it's and two granola bars. We then ran upstairs to my room. I locked the door and gave Tomika her outfit that she leaves at my house for moments like these. We both changed out of our school uniforms. When she was done, she plopped down in my desk chair and when I finished, I sprawled out on my bed.
It was a while before anyone said anything.

"Freddy hates me." I broke the silence by saying this.

"Does not." Tomika said.

"Does too. Today he said that he doesn't like me and I'm shouldn't talk to him ever again."

"Wait seriously?!"

"Would I joke about this kind of stuff?"

"No." She said.

***two and a half weeks later

Leaving for summer camp, I'll be there for almost the rest of the summer! I'm gonna miss you guys! I text in our band group chat.

Have fun! Or Be safe or See you when you get back! We're the responses I got. But not a single response from Freddy. This made me a little sad. No matter how much I try, I just can't get over him. Maybe camp boys will take my mind off him. Just maybe.

***the week after summer camp

I just got back. While I was gone, so much happened. Tomika and Owen are official. Lawrence got accepted to an elite science camp. Katie got a surprise vacation to Orlando, she's in Disney right now. Zack is chilling at home, we hung out yesterday. Freddy blocked me on all social media. But Zack told me he's in Michigan visiting his grandpa. I still can't believe he blocked me. Devastated is a word I don't use often, but I'm using it now. I was devastated. But what can I do... After all, Eighth grade starts tomorrow.

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