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Music studies class with Ms. Mullins...otherwise known as the snooze fest. I'm not joking when I say that I fell asleep three times...and was woken up by three different people. First was Zack:

"Freddy.....Freddy..." He said, he pushed me out of my chair.


"Hey! You woke up!"

Second was Tomika:

"Freddy...Freddy...FredDY THERE'S A HAIR OUT OF PLACE!" I instantly shot up, fully awake.

"Where where where?!" I asked, quickly fixing it.

"Nowhere, it was just a dumb gag to make you wake up."

"Never joke about my hair..."

And last was unfortunately, Ms. Mullins.

I felt something hit my back. It hurt. I felt it again. I woke up.

"Mr. Jones you will not sleep in my class. See me after school for detention." I groaned and put my head back down. This day could not get worse.

I was wrong, it could get worse. After class Summer waited for Ben. I THOUGHT SHE WAS WAITING FOR TOMIKA. But, when I looked around, Tomika was already halfway out the door, and Ben was still packing up his book bag. I caught up with Tomika.

"Hey Tomika," I said.

"Hey Freddy, what's up?"


"I can tell."

"Have you seen Lawrence at all today?"

"Yeah, I was talking with him just this morning..."

"Why wasn't he in class last hour?"

"He has music studies a different hour now. He has a special science this hour that will help him get special credits for high school."

"Cool, cool." I said.

"Yeah, it' gonna be good for him." She stopped at her locker and exchanged books. Then the second bell rang.

"Crap! We gotta get to class." Tomika said.

"Let's go," I said and we speed-walked down the hall. We made it to class just on time. We quietly took our seats. Mr. Finn got up to talk.

"Alright, since today is the first day, I won't make you play music. But bring your instruments tomorrow because tomorrow, we start out jam sessions." He said.

"Yes!" I chant.

"Except Summer, I need to see you at my desk." He said.

"Ok." Summer said. Summer got up and walked over to his desk. Part of me wanted to know what he was saying to her.

"Freddy!" Zack said.

"Hm!" I said.

"You zoned out. I asked you if you wanted to come over and play video games since we clearly won't have any homework."

"Can't. Detention."

"Right I forgot! Because only and idiot like you gets on the first day."


"Don't you think that you're dad will be mad?"

"Pff no!"

"Whatever you say, but when you can't come over on Saturday, don't complain to me." I rolled my eyes at him and he turned and went back to his seat. Mr. Finn stood up to talk again.

"Alright class, listen up!" He yelled. Everyone looked at him.

"We have decided that Summer needs an assistant for his upcoming year. Auditions are tomorrow after school. We, Summer and I, will be deciding who gets the job. You will start immediately." People starting chatting amongst themselves. Ben came over.

"Hi Freddy."


"Are you going to 'audition' to be Summer's assistant?"

"No, are you?"

"Actually yeah, I was thinking about it."

"Really...." I tensed up at his words.

"Yeah, Katie said I should. She said that my organization skills are great and Summer will love it."

"That's...great. I hope you get the job."

"Thanks man."



Two things

1. Alex Brightman is playing Dewey in this story. Not Tony Cavalero. Alex Brightman plays Dewey on Broadway and he fits the role for Dewey better in this story than Tony does.

2. For those waiting on an update on "School of Rock: a continuation." It is long so just be ready and also that's why it's taken me so long to publish. Also updating "Someone he Doesn't Notice." Tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Also this one will not be getting an update tomorrow.


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