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*first day of eighth grade.

First day of eighth grade. I can't talk to Freddy. But I still have a crush on him. Maybe if I stop being so....annoying then maybe he'll warm up to me? I don't know. I took a shower, put on my uniform, blowdried my hair, and went downstairs for breakfast. My mom was feeding Nicky and I made myself a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mom said, still focused on Nicky.

"Morning? Have you heard from dad yet today?" My dad was on a really big business trip. He left two weeks before I went to camp and he still won't be back for another two months.

"Not yet." She said.

"Oh." I said, pouring my dry cereal back in the box after deciding that I would rather have an apple for breakfast.

"What time does your bus leave?" She asked.

"Soon." I responded, "I gotta finish getting ready!" I said, running upstairs, apple in hand. All my friends and I rode the same bus, except Tomika who got driven to school and Freddy who lived really to the school, it was a five minute skateboard ride. I usually sit with Katie on the bus. Katie came to Horace Green after battle of the bands. She shadowed our school and was supposed to start today, but she loved our school so much that she joined the next week. She wasn't even wait listed. She was super funny and also played the base. We plan on making her our new base player this year-- of course, it was after we made sure that Tomika was ok with it. Long story short, she was. I finished my hair by adding a headband, put on the slightest amount of makeup, brushed my teeth, and packed my school bag, double checking everything. After that I grabbed my phone and headed back downstairs. I bid farewell to my mom and Nicky and headed out the door for my short walk to the bus. I took in all the beautiful scenery. Some of the tree leaves were already turning , looks like we were going to have an early fall. The bus picked me up at the end of the street. When I got there, the bus was already waiting with its doors wide open. I climbed on and greeted the bus driver. I instantly went to the row Katie was sitting in, always on the left side on the row with the emergency exit. Zack as sitting in the row in front of her. They were chatting. I had become super close with Zack. I knew that he had a crush on Katie, even though he hasn't admitted it yet. I was silently rooting for him as he chatted with her. I sat down. And put my book bag in between my legs and the Zack's seat.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hey Summer!" Zack responded.

"Excited for the first day?" Katie asked.

"Of course! You know me!" I cheered.

"I'm kinda excited, I have mixed emotions." Zack said.

"Me too." Katie agreed. The bus stopped and let on more kids. Lawrence came on with this rush and so did Owen.

"Hi Owen!" I called out as he traveled to the back to the bus. He looked around and I waved. He have a chuckle, smiled and waved back.

"Ah Lawrence." I said, "did you have a good summer?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He yelled, "Science camp was AWESOME!" He yelled even louder.

"Glad to hear it!" I said.

"I was happy to hear that you got accepted!" Katie exclaimed.

"Me too, bro." Zack added.

"Thanks guys." Lawrence said. The rest of the ride was really fun. But school was really close so it wasn't a long period of fun. I quickly found my new locker, still near Tomika's! I quickly loaded all my notebooks and other school junk in there. I then headed over to Mr. Finn's classroom. Luckily he was still our homeroom teacher. Class was still far from starting. We went over to Zack's desk. He sat down in it and I sat on it and told the gang that I had a killer story. I sat on Zack's desk and they all crowded around me.

"Ok, so I'm at camp right, and it's like, the second week and it's time for the dance. So I show up with a few girls from my cabin and the place is boring and dead. So then we decide to see if we can crank it up a notch. We went over to the DJ and requesting "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. So the music starts playing and all my friends and we start signing at the top of our lungs. Then it's the part where the music picks up, but now a few people have joined us in signing. And then the chorus plays and we just start jumping up and down and strobe lights go off. I swear it was like a scene from an actual movie. After the song was over, I went to get a cup of water and a cute boy, Gavin, asks me to dance. I say yes and I throw my cup away and after that I got a ton of requests to dance. And let's just say I was popular at camp after that. I know, it's sounds like something I would never do but I did! I was like a whole new-" I was cut off by someone clearing their throat. My cheeks immediately became flushed. Luckily the bell rang. I got up and went back to my seat. Mr. Finn came in moment later and started talking about the band. That's when the cutest boy I have ever seen walked in the room with Ms. Mullins.

"Excuse me, class, happy first day of school. This is a new student, Benjamin-"

"Ben," he interrupted.

"Sorry, Ben Salce. He is joining your gifted class and I expect you to be nice to him. Looks like there's and empty seat behind Freddy, you can sit there. Freddy, raise your hand." Freddy raised his hand. Ben went and sat behind Freddy. I looked back and smiled at him. Freddy gave me a confused look. But I didn't care because I wasn't looking at him, I was looking at Ben.

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