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three days later

I had been thinking about what Summer said, how she wanted to be asked to the dance in a subtle, but romantic way.

And it made me realize that there was no one in the world that I would rather be with than Summer.

She always made me happy, and it hurts to see her with other people when I could've had that if I wasn't so rude to her.

It makes wonder if over really loved Summer this whole time, and just never realized it.

Maybe I was so mean to her because I was afraid to admit the feelings that I had about her because she was so open about hers to me.

It seems that everything that had happened between me and Summer up until this very moment in time seems to be all out of love.

I never hated Summer, I hated that fact she she was open and honest with herself when I couldn't be.

But I really screwed this whole thing up. Explaining all the thoughts jumbled in my head would just make everything worse.

It's like every time I try and do something that will make things better, it just gets worse. My best intentions keep making things messier.

But maybe, if I can do it right, I can get her to be my date to the dance and I can make everything right again.

The only way I can do this is wth help from another female mind, which is where enlisting Diana for help comes into play.

I walked down the hall from my room towards hers. She, like always, had loud music blasting from her speakers. I knocked loudly, and she allowed me to enter. She sat at her vanity, doing her makeup.

"Got a second?" I asked for the he doorway.

She used a remote to pause the music. "Anything for you." She smiled. She got up and moved form the vanity over to her bed and patted on a spot for me to sit next to her. "What's up?" She asked then proceeded to ask.

"So, I wanna ask Summer to the pre-homecoming dance," I started.

"Mhm, and,"

"A few days ago at lunch, she was helping Lawrence with how to ask his girlfriend and she basically said exactly how she'd want someone to ask her."

"Which was...?"

"She wanted it simple. For someone to just come up and ask her. Not make a big scene or show. And I was wondering if..."

But I knew I didn't need to finish my sentence for Diana to know what I was asking her.

"If I would help you think of a plan and hen prepare for it."

She raised and eyebrow at me.


She confused her stare before breaking it and laughing, "Of course. Do you know her favorite flower?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to remember if Summer ever said anything about flowers.

"Yes! I remember her saying she liked bright colored flowers. Some sort of Daisy..." I trailed off, trying my hardest to remember the name.

"A gerber Daisy?" Diana asked.

I snapped my fingers, "That's it."

"Alright, get her a big bouquet of those, and then at lunch or whatever, make sure she's at her locker or wherever and make your move. Hand her the flowers and then ask her gently. She'll fall head over heals for it." Diana grinned, known she had sold me on the plan.

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