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When sixth period ended, students filed to the courtyard. I walked with Ben there, and as we were about to get into line to vote, Ben stopped me.

He put his hands on my shoulders and made direct eye contact with me, "I just want you to know that before we cast our votes and the results are revealed, no matter what happens I am proud of you and I am proud of have been your campaign manager."

I smiled and pulled Ben into a hug, and we stayed like for a few moments before I whispered "Thank you" and pulled away from him.

He took a deep breath, "Ok, lets go." He grabbed my hand and led me out the doors. We got in line at one of the two polling stations set up.

Waiting in line was not settling my nerves at all. I know Ben told me that no matter what happened he'd be proud of me, but what if I didn't win. Would he feel like he wasted all that time helping me with posters just for the there to be no outcome?

I had to stop letting myself get into my head. Boy was it stressful liking someone and not knowing where you stand with them.

But with Ben it's almost worse because he smiles at me and always makes eye contact and hangs out with me all of the time and pays for my food and asks me to the dance as his date but yet he still hasn't told me his true intentions.

But no matter what, this was better than when I was with Freddy. He never even looked my way or ever even made an effort or-

"Summer?" Katie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shook myself out of the trance and looked at her and Tomika and Owen, all standing there with concerted expressions on their faces. "Huh?" I asked. I hadn't even noticed that they were here.

"Well I asked you if you were nervous but you've given me a pretty clear answer." Katie joked.

I giggled nervously, "Oh yeah, definitely nervous." I affirmed her suspicion. "It's just that this can go either way. Clark has a lot of voting pull and I just don't know if I can stand to lose to him."

Tomika shrugged, "I don't think you'll have a problem, Julian was his campaign manager and that guy has no artistic talent." Tomika made fun of Clark, and I knew that she was trying to be helpful, but it wasn't working.

And we were next in line. Ben was right in from in me, he squeezed my shoulder and cast his vote quickly before turning around and giving me a thumbs up, and pointed to where he would be waiting for me.

I walked up to the station where the ballot box and papers were set up. Before I cast the vote for myself I looked over at to who was voting in the other side of the lectern that was diving the two tables, where the new William B Travis Prep student body president would soon be giving their speech.

Standing there, about to cast his vote, was Freddy.

"Oh hey Summer." He smiled and said when he noticed me looking at him.

"Hey Freddy." I replied, "Know who you're voting for?" I joked, assuming he was voting for me.

He gave me an odd look, "Um yeah I think I've made my decision." He said as if he was debating it, and the way that his tone was made me think that he was actually debating it and not just joking around with me.

I suddenly started to feel nervous again, Good God Summer even your friends don't want to vote for you! The little voice in my head mocked and I looked over at Freddy, who was leaning over to cast his vote.

I took a deep breath and decided to follow suit. I looked at the piece of paper.

Clark O'Shannon

Summer Hathaway

Emily Stevens

I bubbled in the little circle next to my name and folded my card once before placing it in the ballot box. I stole a glance at Freddy as he dropped his card into the box as well. I said a silent prayer that he voted for me. I took one last good look at the box before walking away and meeting Ben, who was more than ready to help calm my nerves.

"The votes have been counted." Ms. Mullins started as she stood at the lectern in front of the seventh and eighth grade students who were apart of the only two grades allowed to vote. The students that hung around were the ones that cared to what the results of the election, which was surprisingly almost everyone.

I was sitting in the front row of chairs, Ben next to me and Katie next to him. Behind me was Tomika and Owen. I turned around to see if my other friends, Zack, Lawrence, Esme, and Freddy had joined Tomika and Owen in that row like they were supposed to after voting, but upon turning around Freddy's seat was empty.

I was slightly concerned, I know we have a rocky past but I still thought that maybe as a friend he would be here to support me.

But I didn't have time to think about that, because suddenly the words I've been waiting to hear hit my hears, "Your new students body president is..."

"Summer Hathaway!" Ms. Mullins announced. I stood up professionally although I felt like jumping all around the courtyard.

Wow, being asked to the dance and winning student body president was a lot to take in for one day. I made my way up to the lectern and cleared my throat.

"Thank you, my fellow peers for voting me as your new student body President. I am honored to represent the students of William B. Travis Prep and I know that I will do my job with a glad heart. There's a few people that I would like to thank for supporting me throughout this election. First off are my wonderful educators, focusing on one in particular, Mr. Finn." I looked up at Mr. Finn who was mock wiping tears from his eyes. He had a proud expression on his face. "He always pushes me to be the best me that I can be and always gives me room to grow and to learn. I never would've had the confidence to run if it wasn't for him. Next I would like to thank my wonderful group of friends. All of them have supported me through this process and dedicated their time and their abilities to campaigning. For that I am very grateful, I once again couldn't have done this without their support." The row of my friends all gave me thumbs up and smiles and I publicly acknowledged them. "Finally, I would like to thank my campaign manager, Ben Salce. Ben was new to Travis Prep this year, but I couldn't have imagined anyone else by my side through this election. He has shown me what it means to be a true friend and he has shown endless dedication to not only this campaign, but to our friendship from the moment we first met. Although we've only been friends for a few months, I can proudly say that he is one of my best friends and closest confidants and without this none of this would've been possible. I owe all of it to him. So thank you Ben." I said, blowing a kiss in his direction. He stood up and began the standing ovation that I began to receive from my teachers and classmates.

I felt on top of the world, and I had all of my friends here supporting me which made it feel all the more better.

After I finished my speech I came down from the lectern and took my seat while Ms. Mullins went over protocol for dismissal. As soon as she was done talking I jumped up and my friends pulled me into a group hug. "Okay, I think this calls for some ice cream!" Ben announced.

"Yes!" I agreed, "It's on me!" I said. As I led the group out of the courtyard and to our respective vehicles, where we would meet at the ice cream shop.

And of course, Ben rode with me.

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