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Zack and I couldn't find the note. Part of me is sad that we didn't, I wanted Ben to read it.

But the other part of me is really happy. Maybe I wasn't ready for Ben to know I have a crush on him. Maybe I wasn't ready to hear his answer.

I was too afraid that he would tell me that he did like me back.

I finally told Zack to give it up, that we were never going to find the note. She shrugged and stood up. We went outside and joined in for the last verse of "Happy Birthday." Ben blew out all his candles all in one breath, and his mom began to cut the cake and serve it out with vanilla ice cream. I took a plate and went and joined my friends back at a table. The sun was setting. I looked over at Katie.

"Hey Kate?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked, looking up from he plate with a full mouth of cake.

"Can your mom maybe drove me home?"

"I'm sure she can."

"Me too?" Tomika asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty positive she can drive both of you home."

"Great, I'll text my mom." I said.

"Me too." Tomika added.

I pulled out my phone and texted my mom. She sent me an emoji in response. I rolled my eyes and put my phone away as I noticed Ben walking in our direction. I quickly fixed my hair, which was now in a French braid (creds go to Katie) and o straightened my shirt. Ben stopped at our table.

"I hope you guys had fun today! Thanks for all the gifts."

"No problem man. You should have us over to swim more often." Zack said.

"Thank you for inviting us." I added.

"Anytime guys, and you're right, we should do this again." He said. He smiled and walked away towards another group.

He walked away.

He didn't pull me aside, he barely said a word to me. He didn't even look at me.


And then it hit me. It's because of what happened.

He was about to kiss me, and didn't know if I was going to kiss him back. He doesn't know that I like him all because of one boy.

One stupid boy.

And his name is Freddy Jones.

I couldn't think about Freddy now. I could literally rip my hair out thinking of him. I wasn't going to let that happen.

It wasn't long before Katie's mom showed up to take us home. She dropped Tomika off first, so now we were on our way to my house. We pulled up in my driveway. My moms car wasn't there, and there was something else that was odd. Freddy was on my porch. What is up with boys always showing up on my porch? Katie turned around and looked at me from the front seat.

"Why is Freddy on your porch?" She asked.

"I have no idea." I said, utterly shocked. I got out of the car and looked back at Katie who had rolled her window down.

"I'll text you!" I called out. "Thanks for the ride Mrs. Travis!" I yelled out. Mrs. Travis gave me a wave and pulled out of my driveway and sped off. I took a deep breath and walked towards my front porch. Freddy stood up.

We stared at each other for a moment.

"Why are you here." I broke the silence.

"To apologize." He said, as he looked towards the ground. Could it be that Freddy Jones was nervous?

"For what?" I asked. I knew very well what it was for, but I just wanted to hear him say it.

"For everything."


He looked up into my eyes.

"Summer, I'm really sorry I was such a jerk to you at the end of last year, and I'm sorry I treated you horrible all summer, and I'm sorry I've basically ruined your school year so far, I'm sorry for pushing you in the pool, and finally, I'm sorry for rejecting you."

He said it all in one breath.

"I- I forgive you. But what do you mean for 'rejecting me'?"

He just shook his head. "It's nothing. Anyways, are we good?"

"What do you mean by good?"

"Good like we share friends, unblock each other on social media, sometimes sit at the same lunch table, and even talk a few times."

"Then yeah, we're good."

He smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have one more apology to make." He strapped his helmet back in and skated out of my driveway and out of my heart.

I no longer liked him anymore. He was just a friend.

Maybe not even a friend. More like an acquaintance.

I know one thing for sure, I did like Ben and I wanted him to like me. Freddy may have messed that up, but at least he owned up to it. Now it's up to me. Up to me to get Ben to like me.

I went into my house and the first thing I did was call Tomika. She answered and I told her everything that happened. Her response?

"Good. I'm glad you guys are friends. It's good for the band."

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