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Sorry for the inactiveness, I've been super busy with life and school and now I'm just getting over a cold. Plus I've had the worst writers block-- for all my books. Please forgive me!

I walked away from Ben, dripping wet. We had both just agreed to get out towels and dry off. I felt as if I could cry. I walked over to Katie and Tomika, who were ready to give me a hug. I cried into Tomika's shoulder and Katie stroked my hair. Great, I was crying like a baby at my crush's birthday party. I let go of Tomika and wiped my eyes. 

"You ok Summer?" Tomika asked.

"Yeah, just a little wet." I said, letting out a teeny little laugh. I put my face in my hands and laughed harder. "I can't even believe this happened." 

"Neither can we." Katie laughed. 

"C'mon, let's get you into some dry clothes and fix your hair." Tomia smiled. 

"But I don't have any dry clothes."

"But I do, well at least I have an extra pair of dry shorts in my bag." Katie said.

"And I have an extra shirt." Tomika added. 

"Thanks guys." 

I changed in the bathroom and by the time Katie and Tomika had fixed my wet hair, it was time for Ben to open his presents. He still hadn't spoken to me since we fell in and almost kissed. I sat in the back of the group and giggled slightly as I heard Ben argue with his mom about how embarrassing it was that he had to open his presents in front of his friends. She sternly told him to stop complaining and that he would do as he was told. He groaned and moved to the front of the room to sit in the special gift chair and open his presents in front of everyone. I could tell he that was embarassed and I chuckled quietly to myself. 

He opened gift after gift, and I waited patiently for the moment that he would open mine and see my note to him. It was the moment I was both excited for and dreading at the same time. It couldn't come-- and it never did. He got to my gift and opened it. He was shocked and super happy. He shot me a smile that would win awards, but he never pulled out my note. It was gone. 

The note's absence worried me. Someone else couldn't have possibly picked it up, nobody saw me set it down. When everyone went back outside for cake, I quickly scanned the area for it. I was about to look under the table when someone stopped me. 

"Summer, what are you doing?" The voice said. I shot up and turned around to face Zack. He was holding a paper plate with potato chips on it. He put one in his mouth while he waited for my explanation. I smiled nervously, this was the exact definition of "deer caught in the headlights." 

"I was just um..." I was about to start stalling when I reminded myself that Zack was my closest guy friend and one of my overall best friends. I could tell him what I was doing, but the real question was should I. 

It meant admitting that I did infact have a crush on Ben. Everyone knew I did, I had just been beating around the bush. I had never admitted it. This would clarify it. Admitting that I liked Ben had a lot of consequences. I could lose friends. 

What if it got back to Freddy? 

You mean Freddy, the jerk who ruined your potential kiss with Ben for no reason. I wasn't seriously thinking about him now, was I?

I was. And I hated it. 

"Summer!" Zack yelled, snapping his fingers in front of my face. 


"You zond out. I asked what you were doing. What were you doing?"

"If I tell you, you have to promise never to tell anyone."

"I promise." 

I took a step closer to him. I lowered my voice, "You must never tell anyone, ever." I stook one more step closer that our noses were centimeters away. "You got that, Zack Mooneyham."

"I understand." He swallowed nervously. I nodded and took a few steps back. 

"Ok," I said, leaning in like I was telling him a secret, which I was. He followed and leaned in as well. "I wrote Ben a note telling him that I had a crush on him."

"WHAT! YOU LIKE B-" Zack started yelling. I quickly put my hand over his mouth to keep him from furthering the sentence. 

I slowly removed my hand. "Well why don't you tell the world." I said sarcastically. 

"Oh, the world already knows, they just haven't heard you admit it." Zack said. 

"Really, everyone knows..." 


"Even Ben?"

"Yes, but it's ok because he likes you back, he just has to admit it."

"And Freddy knows too?"

"I'm sure he does." 

I was silent for a moment. 

"You can't let anyone know I admitted this. Promise never to speak of this again?"

He crossed his heart. "Promise." 

"Ok, now help me find my note."

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