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"Freddy I don't understand how you could be so irresponsible. Maybe you'll be more responsible after a solid two weeks of grounding." My dad said sternly.

"Dad! I was supposed to go to Zack's this weekend!"

"Well maybe you should've thought of that before you fell asleep in class, earning yourself a detention. Now, I suggest you go to your room. And I want you to write Ms. Mullins and apology note."


"Freddy, room, now."

I inhaled deeply.

"Yes dad." I looked up at my mom, she was silently agreeing with my dad. I could tell because she was standing behind him, her hands on her hips, nodding to everything he said. I shook my head and headed upstairs to my room. I heard my sister giggling about some boy in her room. I opened the door to my room and flopped down on my bed. I put my earbuds in and listened to some AC/DC. I played the beats with my drumsticks on my nightstand. After about an hour, I got hungry but I knew I wouldn't be allowed downstairs. Luckily I had a stash of Girl Scout cookies and some hostess doughnuts in a box under my bed. Various candies were also stacked in there. My dog, Skippy, who was a dachshund, always got into my stash. I had to start putting a lid on the container. I pulled out a roll of thin mints and started to munch on them. I knew I wouldn't be allowed for dinner tonight, so these were all I had to eat.

*time skip to 9:00 p.m.*

Zack face timed me at 9:00.

"Hey Zack,"

"Hey Freddy. So?"

"So what?"

"How long did you get grounded for?"

"Two weeks." I grumbled. Zack laughed. "Shut up!"

"You shouldn't fall asleep in class anymore."

"Whatever, how was Summer's get-together?"

"Ooh jealous that you weren't invited?"

"No, I'm just being a concerned friend."

"Ok, well it was fun. We played never have I ever, I learned that Katie had a summer boyfriend at camp."

"Really, so..."

"So she's already had her first kiss."

"Dude, you like her."

"Do not!"

"Believe what you want, but you do."

"So I can believe that you like Summer and you're jealous that you weren't invited to her party?"

"You can believe everything that you want to except that."

Zack just laughed.

"So, what's Ben like?"

"He's a really great guy. I think he'll gel well with the group."

"So he's in the group now?"

"Looks like it."

"I don't know if I like him..."

"You just don't because Summer is all buddy-buddy with him."


"You know it is."

"Hey, I have a serious question."


"Should I ask Summer if she wants to be friends again?"


"Well should I?"

"You can't do it, Freddy, it's only the first day of school. It's been not even eight hours with her. You should wait it out."

"Why, I can always just change my mind again..."

"No, you can't just change your mind. I'm not going to let you. You can't do that to Summer. Last time Tomika told me she cried for hours. Summer is one of my best friends, I can't let you do this to her."

"Fine, I won't ask her yet."



"So, you want to know something Summer has never done?"


"She hasn't had a birthday party since she was five."

"Ok." I said, pretending not to care.

"You're a acting weird."

"No I am not."

"Yeah you are. You like Summer."

"I do not."

"You just won't admit it."

"Zack, it's been one day. Do you really think I can develop feelings that fast. I mean, it took me two day to realize that I liked Lilly last year."

"Oh I remember that. Summer was crushed."


"Yeah, she really liked you."


"Yeah, I mean she still does."

"Then why didn't she invite me over?"

"Because you told her not to talk to you."


"Listen, It's almost 9:30. I get my phone taken for the night then. I gotta go."

"Ok, talk to you tomorrow bro."

Zack smiled and hung up the phone. I put my phone on the charger and got up to get changed for bed. I then brushed my teeth in the bathroom that I shared with my sister and I went to bed. What else was there to do?

I laid on my bed and looked at my ceiling.

Did I like Summer?


Sorry it's taken me so long to update this book. I've had writers block for this book that's started when the original (better) draft of this book was deleted from wattpad. I posted a message informing you on my page. But if you want to know the scoop for this week, go to one of my other books and click on the most recent chapter and read the authors note. I wrote it twice and due to laziness, I don't want to type the whole thing out again.

Keep Rockin'

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