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I arrived at Summer's house. Nobody was home. I knocked on the front door, the back door, and even a side window. Nobody was home, and I should have figured that considering there weren't any cars in the driveway, not that the cars couldn't be in the garage. I sat on Summer's porch and waited for her to come home. I assumed she was still at the party, probably making out with Ben or something.

Please, Freddy, do yourself a favor and don't think of that right before you're supposed to be apologizing for Summer. Also considering the fact that you have a major crush on her.

Woah, major? I don't know about major crush, I don't even know if I had a minor crush on her.

I argued with myself in my head for a few more minutes when a silver SUV pulled up in Summer's driveway. I looked over to see Summer get out of the backseat, the window in the passenger seat rolled down to reveal Katie. She yelled something at Summer that I couldn't make out. Katie waved and Summer called out something else. Katie's window rolled up and the car sped off. I looked over to Summer. She was coming my way. My heart was beating faster and faster and she took steps closer and closer. She finally arrived at the porch.  stood up and she looked at me while I stared at her. 

She broke the silence by saying, "Why are you here." 

"To apologize." I said, nervously. I looked at the ground. I've never been so nervous in my life. I don't even know why, I've never been nervous in front of a girl before.

"For what?" She asked. I knew she was going to ask this. I new that she had some sort of idea, but se had no idea what was going to come out of my mouth.

"For everything." I said slightly more confident.

"Everything?" She was confused.

I looked her in the eyes.

"Summer, I'm really sorry I was such a jerk to you at the end of last year, and I'm sorry I treated you horrible all summer, and I'm sorry I've basically ruined your school year so far, I'm sorry for pushing you in the pool, and finally, I'm sorry for rejecting you."

Rejecting her? What's she supposed to think of that. I wasn't planning on saying it. It just came up with the rest of the word-vomit apology. 

"I- I forgive you." I breathed out a sigh of relief, but she continued. "But what do you mean for 'rejecting me'?"

Of course she was gonna ask that. I just decided to play it off like it was nothing.

 "It's nothing. Anyways, are we good?" I said, shaking my head.

"What do you mean by good?"

"Good like we share friends, unblock each other on social media, sometimes sit at the same lunch table, and even talk a few times." 

In reality, I wanted much more than that. But I knew se wasn't ready for that. In reality, I wasn't ready for that.

"Then yeah, we're good." She smiled.

I smiled back to her and she kept my gaze for a few moments when I broke it by saying, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have one more apology to make." I strapped on my helmet and skated right down her driveway.

It felt good to apologize, to make amends. But I was in no way over Summer Hathaway. 

I skated my way to Ben's house. This apology was gonna be rough, maybe I should just wait till Monday. 

I finally arrived at Ben's house. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. Even though I was nervous, I was way more nervous back at Summer's. Ben opened the door and his smiled instantly turned to a frown? I wasn't sure what to make of his face. 

"Freddy..." He said in an unsure voice tone, "What are you doing here?" 

"Look man, I came to apologize. I feel really bad for ruining your party, I'm sorry."

"It's alright man. I just want to know one thing, why did you do it?"


"Why did you push Summer and I in the pool? I thought you said you didn't like her."

"And I don't," Lie, "Honestly, I don't know why I pushed you guys in the pool. It was just probably a matter of thinking it through."

"I get what you're saying, and I appreciate the fact that you came back here to apologize. It takes guts bro."

"Thanks man. I've gotta go. Have a nice night, and Happy Birthday."

"Thanks, I'll see you Monday." 

Ben and I did an awkward-friendly handshake, and I skated away. 

I checked my watch and ran into the house. I might just be able to make it in for dinner. I quickly threw aside my skateboard and gear. I went inside the house to see my mom and my sister gathered around the table. I sat down in my seat and started taking large bites of the spaghetti on my plate. 

"Where's dad?" I asked with a mouth full of noodles.

"He had to go to your grandpa's to help him move the couch. He should be back by eight-thirty." I nodded and looked at the clock. It was eight o'clock, man we were eating a late dinner. I finished my food in a few more bites and went up to my room to play video games. It was Diana's night to do the dishes. 

I was busy smashing zombie heads when there was a knock at my door. 

"Come in!" I yelled. Diana came into my room.

"So," She said, and I paused my game. "Did you make things right?"  

"Yeah, I did." 

"Good, I'm proud of you... little bro." She gave me a hugged and smirked because she knew I hated being called "little bro." After the hug, she left the room and it was just me and some headless zombies.

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