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"What do you want?" The school secretary, Ms. Pickering, who was all sorts of fun, asked in her nasally voice.

"I need to call my mom. I forgot my lunch."

"Don't you kids have cell phones?"

"Well yes, but I got- um I left mine at home."

"Whatever. Just fill out the call log. You have five minutes." She scowled, pointing to the small room that had the school phone in it.

"Thanks Ms. Pickering."


I rolled my eyes and dialed the number. I picked up the phone and put it to my ear. The buzzing sound it makes while it's ringing filled my head.

"Hello?" My mom asked.

"Mom, it me, Freddy."

"Why are you calling me from School... wait, you're not in trouble are you? You better not be in trouble Freddy Jones."

"Don't worry mom, I'm not. I just forgot my lunch at home. And you grounded me from my phone so I have to call you from the school."

"Oh ok, well um... I'll run it up to you when I get a chance. Probably around 11:30."

"Ok thanks mom." I said, as Summer passed by the phone room and put the front door of the office. "I've gotta get back to class."

"Ok, have a good day. And stay out of trouble."

"I will, I will. Bye mom."


I sighed and hung up the phone. I stepped out of the phone room and thanked the secretary before going back to Mr. Finn's room for class.

The bell for lunch rang and the whole class scurried out. I was one of the last one's out, and ok my way to the office, I passed by Summer's locker to see if she was there yet.

She wasn't. So I made my way over to the office to pick up my lunch. It was behind Ms. Pickering's desk, and she reluctantly handed it to me with a warning not to forget it again. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the office and out to the courtyard. I scanned the area for my friends, but no one was out yet. So I took a seat at our usual table. And soon enough, our table filled up as Zack, Summer, Katie, and Ben took up the empty seats.

"Hey guys." I said, looking up at them, but mostly towards Summer, she didn't notice.

"Hey." Ben said, taking a seat near me, which caused me to roll my eyes. But my reaction soon changed when Summer plopped herself right in between me and Ben.

Let's just say, I'm not complaining anymore.

After a few short moments of people opening lunches and trading food, Tomika joined the table.

"Hey Tomika... where's Owen?" Summer asked, paying attention to the fact that it seemed like Owen wouldn't be joining us.

"The idiot got detention before first hour was over, so now he has to serve it at lunch." Tomika sighed. "But forget about him, I wanna know about you guys. Who are your dates for the pre-homecoming dance?"

I froze. I wasn't planning on asking anyone nor had anyone asked me. The only person I would wanna ask was Summer... but I really don't know how that would go over...

"Nobody, none of us have dates yet. It's like, three weeks away." Zack said.

Well that's a good excuse, I could've thought of that... before Zack.

"Two and a half. And that's not a lot of time. I'd get a move on if I were you." Tomika said.

"Wow, I'd never thought I'd see the day that Tomika cared about anything other than skateboarding." I chimed in, teasing Tomika.

Tomika punched me in the arm and I frowned, "For your information, I care about A LOT more than skateboarding. That's all you care about."

"Hey, I care about more than just skateboarding too." I retorted, looking quickly over at Summer before looking down at my food. When I glanced back up, Zack was looking at me and slightly shaking his head, I looked over at Summer who didn't seem to have noticed. Then, out of nowhere, Lawrence appeared, and wedged himself in between Zack at Katie and directly across from me. As if our table already wasn't full enough...

"Ok guys, I need your help. I need to find a clever way to ask Esme to the pre-homecoming dance." He said.

"Hmm, how bout a box of cupcakes that spell out 'Will you go to the dance with me?'" Katie suggested, getting all happy and making big arm motions.

"That's a terrible idea! Esme has a ton of allergies!"

Katie sighed, "Right, I forgot..."

"Well, if I were Esme, I would want someone," Summer started, standing up. This was cue for me to start paying attention., "to be simple. I would want him to come up to me, grab my hands, and simply just ask me." She circled the table, eyes on Ben the whole time, until she made it to Lawrence. She put her arm around his shoulders giving him an awkward one-armed hug. Oh how I'd give anything to be Lawrence right now.

But since I wasn't, I needed to take mental notes. The only girl I can even think of asking just revealed exactly how to ask her to guarantee she says yes. Talk about luck.

"Well knowing Esme she wants a big show. So anyone got any better ideas?" Lawrence moved Summer's arms off his shoulder. His loss.

"Esme? Wanting a big show? That won't go over well." Tomika said, asking her head. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to buy a bouquet of her favorite flowers and go to her doorstep. When she opens the door you're gonna ask her. Simple as that. Oh and you're gonna wear a suit when you ask her. Got it?"

"Got it."

Summer rolled her eyes and walked back to her seat. I made eye contact with her and smiled, but all she did was shrug.

Just a Shrug.

It's a great feeling to know that I'm only worth a shrug.

But it's an ever better feeling knowing I never stand a chance with her again.

Just kidding, this is the worst thing I've ever felt.


I've been meaning to get these chapter out for forever! And I finally did! *pats myself on the back*

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