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We were warming up, but I couldn't help but glance over at Summer. She was sitting at the computer, I don't know what she was looking at. Ben was leaning over her shoulder, his eyes also focused on the screen. Summer said something to Ben and he went around to the other side of the desk. When Summer pulled out our bank box. She unlocked it and slid it over to Ben, who began pulling stacks out. I was snapped out of daze.

"Freddy... Freddy!" Mr. Finn yelled.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Are you ready to rock?"

"Yeah, what song are we playing?"

"I've already said it three times, we're playing 'Drag Me Down.'"


"Count us in Freddy."


The band started jamming. I was lying as close attention to the song as I could, but I also couldn't help but watch Summer. She was laughing at Ben, while scrolling on the computer. They were joking around and they seemed like they were having fun.

I thought of how Summer used to be with me, always laughing at my jokes, no matter how cheesy. How she always used to smile at me whenever we made eye contact, god her smile was gorgeous. And her hair was so pretty, and it was cute how she always wore a headband and...

Oh boy Freddy, you've got it bad.

I snapped out of my trance and finished the song. Tomika stopped for a water break and I summoned Zack over to me.

"Dude." I whispered.


"I can't stop thinking about Summer. She's right there and she just looks so pretty and-"

"Bro- you've got it bad."

You're not the only one who knows that.

"I know, I know. What do I do?"

"Nothing, man. She likes Ben, I like really really likes him."

I though if the note in my pocket. All the words that she said in the note. It wasn't long before she would say it to his face. I couldn't think, I couldn't imagine it. I should have never taken the note, I wouldn't be suffering so much if I hadn't taken it. I wouldn't have know what it said.

I've brought this upon myself, I knew what I was getting into.

Tomika went back to the mic, and we started jamming again, but it wasn't long before Summer stopped us.

"Hey everyone!" She yelled loudly. Everyone's focus turned to her.

"The pre-homecoming dance date has been posted!"

Crap, I forgot about that dance.

"What is it?!" Tomika asked.

"October third!" Summer smiled widely.

Zack and Lawrence fist bumped and I just nodded my head.

"That's all." Summer said, sitting back in her chair and looking over at Ben.

How I wish I could ask Summer to the dance. She probably wouldn't say yes, I would just make a fool of myself. But luckily, I had time to think over the decision.

The band picked up where we left off in the song. I saw Summer pull a slip of paper out of a drawer after putting the money box away. She and Ben where about to walk out of the classroom when I stopped or music.

"Mr. Finn!" I said.

"What, Freddy?"

"I left my lunch and money at home and have no way to reach my mom. I got my phone taken away. I need to go to principal Mullins's office."

"And you just realized that now?"

I nodded.

Mr. Finn turned back towards the front.

"Hey Summer?" Mr. Finn yelled.

"Yes?" Summer said, turning away from the door and walking towards the band.

"Where are you going?"

"Ms. Mullins's office, why?"

"Well, Freddy needs to call his mom, he forgot his lunch and his money. Is there any way he can go with you instead of Ben?"

This is working out very nicely...

Summer looked at Ben, "Su-sure." She stuttered.


I looked up and smiled. I got out from behind my drum set and went out I to the hall. I watched as Summer led Ben back to the desk and gave him instructions.

"So, you forgot your lunch, huh?" She asked, clearly giving me attitude.

"Yeah, and money."

"And you don't have a phone. I'm almost positive that you have a perfectly good working iPhone."

God does this girl ever give up

"I did, I got grounded, for getting detention. No phone."

She gave me a look, "I see, so you can't borrow Zack's phone?"

"What is this, twenty questions?"

Summer laughed. "No, but it can be."

"Can it please not be?" I begged. The more she asked the more she would see through my almost-lie.

"Sure." Summer said. She folded her arms over her chest.

There was a long pause of silence.

Just ask her to the dance now Freddy

And I almost did, except when I opened my mouth all that came out was: "So... how's managering?"

Stupid, stupid, stupid

"Fine, how's drumming?"


God, could I sound like a bigger idiot?

Another pause of silence, it was getting painful now.

"So, um, is Ben a good assistant?" I asked.

Anything but that Freddy! Honestly...

"Yeah, he does a good job. We're becoming really close friends."

Maybe too close?

"That's great... really great." I nodded.

That's terrible.


"Oh look, here we are, Ms. Mullins's office. Good luck with whatever you have to ask her." I said fast and awkward.

And the smoothest guy award goes to: Freddy Jones!

"Thanks, and um, good luck with calling home." She said. She flashed me a quick smile before running inside the office.

I'm glad that's over...

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